Thank you Brother Romano for providing us with the  difference between The
Mass and Communion. I would like to add that the Church dogma dictates the
doctrine of transubstantiation or in layman's terms, the bread and wine ARE
actually the body and blood of Christ in "real presence" in this Blessed
Sacrament, these Communion elements esp. the consecrated Host.
    In some tribal societies the bones of the deceased relative are ground
to powder and served up in drink to the community.
    In the 60's we used to say, "You are what you eat."
    But communion does serve  a function. It makes one forget for a moment
how his neighbor's dog shit on his lawn three times in one week.
    For a great essay try "The Myth of the Resurrection" by Joseph McCabe
(1925) at

p.s. Will we get to the Shroud of Turin yet this week?