Ain't it den de same ol story, bob? Whether we calls 'im Odin on the Ash, 9
days hangin with the new moon - plenty o' nothin to think about but runes or
semitic J. C. and Seneca challenged the Jews to produce anything out of
their books other than a King.  and we get the one in Dumezilean fashion
meant from the get go as sacrifice. All of this we mortals perform vainly to
keep the sun and moon from falling on our heads, but the Easter eggs  and
Xmas presents are fun and we know no other story/stories - an objective
correlative which projects to the point of reductio ad absurdum in the
doctrine of transubstantiation. While ironically the Roman soldier's ration
of grain was measured out in the hub of a wheel, the pyx, the box. Jesus cum
prima luce. Hence the delay in some conversions. But all Cretans are liars,
eh? Do we assume that others are incapable of empathy and kindness, Ideas of
simple hospitality being of greater importance to the ancients.

    "They'll no get him a' in a book I think
    Though they write it cunningly;"

    But why a "possum" and not a ferret or a weasel or Reynard? Pound said
it "One helps one's friends" even when they go to sleep or misplace their
copy of "From Ritual to Romance". Bank clerkly to begin with.
    bob, "why the animus?' you ask. Well, let me wax Virgilean  "nunc animus
opus, Aenea, nunc pectore firmo" a moment and again with firmed up
conviction repeat "multa prius fient quam non mea libera avena" and here
from within the "Bible Belt" once again 'screw my courage to the sticking
point" and  retire behind the plucked plumage of my revered master and
modestly offer  this quote from ol' possum hisself, "FOR EZRA POUND il
miglior fabbro."
