Half facetiously I said that I thought Pound's religion was "Olympian
Calvinism". I never expected Duncan's analysis (serious I presume) to be so
close i.e. "pagan fundamentalism" although I suspect  especially in his
"fundamentalism" a bit of irony from Duncan. How about it Duncan?
    I am now leaning more on  "Arboreal Hermeticism". Pound's constant use
of tree imagery is linked with an overall Weltanschauung of the "Baum
Kultus". For example, let us take his statement "The only vigorous feasts of
the Church are grafted onto European roots, the sun, the grain, the harvest
and Aphrodite." Pound would never admit it, I am sure; but I think there was
some careful reading on his part of Robert Grave's "The White Goddess".
Neither of these 20th. Cent. gentlemen lived in a cultural vacuum.
    More food for thought. Pardon me if someone has already done their
dissertation on this very subject and I haven't read it.

  Charles Moyer

    p.s.I had previously brought up the subject of Fortune, but can anyone
else think of examples of religion in Pound related to the growth of trees
w/ branches, roots, etc. or is this just idol speculation?