sophie ratcliffe wrote:

> Could anybody tell me where Pound said something along the lines of
> 'Bugger the punctuation what matters is for the first time to articulate the
> thought'?
> With thanks,
> Sophie

                    The crisis of the drama
                    May pivot on a comma,
                    And tragic heroes risk
                    All for an asterisk.

                    So in despite of fate
                    A man may consecrate
                    A lifetime to anoint
                    One poem with a point.
                                X. J. Kennedy

(Quoted from memory; I don't have the text. If memory serves
me right, Joe pronounced the title something like "uh.")

One critic devoted a whole book to arguing against pedantic
correction of supposed errors in Canto IV -- the argument
being that the "errors" were part of the thought and that
cleaning up the text (as I believe Kenner had proposed)
damaged it. (Sorry I can't remember the critic's name;
the book was I think entitled *Pound and Error*.)
