Pawel Karwowski wrote:

>  No one will
> > deny that the jews have racial characteristics, better and worse ones.
> > 'Every Polish nobleman had his jew...
> ...and bear and a wolf as well.
> Jew was giving money. Polish nobleman, bear and wolf were drinking vodka, I
> wonder where from Old Ez picked up this profound knowledge ?

Let's get one thing straight. The term "racial characteristics" makes about
as much sense than the term "high golden mountain" or "five-legged
unicorn." For X to have characteristics, X must exist. But there is no
such thing as "race" (both biological and cultural definitions of "race"
are false and lead only to racism). The belief in the real existence of
"race" is among the most pernicious of U.S. superstitions. To believe
in the existence of races is the heart and core of all racism. To
recognize that race (and therefore racial characteristics) does *not*
exist is the necessary precondition for any move away from racism.

I realize Pawel Karwowski is writing in a second language and he
may not mean what he seems to be saying. But if he is saying that
Pound was wise to speak of "racial characteristics," then he is
repeating vicious nonsense.
