On Mon, 05 Jun 2000 En Lin Wei wrote:

> Yes. I agree with you completely.  The Russians have oppressed the Poles;
> the US, Latin America; and China has ruthlessly exploited Tibet (we could
> add Chinese exploitation of Xinjiang, as well).

All right Wei. I can add that after we got independence some 80 years ago we
engaged at once in boundary conflits against Lithuanians, Czechs and Ukrainians.
Additionaly quite strong group of madmans started to plan invasion against
Brasil and Madagascar in order to establish the first polish colonies.
Those plans were interrupted by German invasion.
It is in my view simple mechanism, we can describe as "the low of the fist" but
it looks that in some places on this planet people still dont realize how
it works and that it is highly immoral. Bigger nations after all are continuing
their policies against smaller ones. The difference is that in our contemporary
times acculturation is often hidden under the shield of "civilization" and those
guys who try to defend their culture are called by world media nationalists.

> This goes to prove in my view, that the large nation state, unchecked, is
> one of the world's greatest evils.  I wonder why Pound did not take this to
> be one of the lessons of World War One?

I dont know any other poet who loved his country (the U.S.A.) more than E.P.
because love ( yes I can call it "love") is clearly visible in many, many
poems. I dont feel also competent enough to discuss this subject with you, but
generally saying I am certain that E.P. wasn't healthy and his disease could
be started as early as in 30-tees, maybe 40-tees.
In such a case main subject of science should focus on the reasons, on trying
to find the answer for one question - why he lost his mind ?
E.P. has settled in Europe in perfectly THE WORST TIME POSSIBLE.
I mean there never has been WORST period in old's continent's history than XX
It certainly will be non scientifical statement (after all I am poet & not
scientist) but I see Ezra Pound as VICTIM of his time. Paradox ? Maybe.

> What did Pound say about Poland, by the way?  I cannot remember a quote, but
> I feel reasonably sure he said something.  I know Pound was quite hostile
> toward slavic culture (at least in its Russian manifestation, or "Rooshun,"
> as he said).  Have you come across anything?
> Regards,
> Wei

I'm not much interested what Pound said (or did not say) about Poland.
Everything what interests me in Cantos it's simply music of words - the
forgotten art born in Provance in XI century and destroied some 300 years later
after barbarious invasion from the north.

Pounds attitudes towards different cultures were in my view simply
coincidential. He fell in love with China because Chinese Nation is BIGGER (I
really mean simple numbers :-) than American.
Besides there is many, many more cultures omitted by Pound, languages and great
poetry as well. I dont think he saw any difference between Poles and Russians.
But what we can expect if the first professor of history in the west who has
described the history of WHOLE CONTINENT has happend in our contemporary times.
His name is Norman Davies, he is British, title of the book is  "Europe".


Wroclaw/ Breslau 11.07

You woke up this list - keep on Wei but a little bit smaller emails please

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