Received from a friend and forwarding to the list:

> As a fan of college hockey, you might be interested in the doings at
> Nebr/Omaha.
> Got my alumni pub.  Via the assn, the alums put something like 450k in the
> pot this year for 'preferred seating' at UNO hockey.
> The coach, the only UNO athletic honcho with a contract at all, didn't get
> an extension (last year coming up) but he did get a pretty good raise.
> Suspect when what Lincoln is paying the new basketball coach got out, they
> didn't want to get into that soup.  Outside of UNO the Nebr system is
> crumbling so at the rate of progress, the athletic teams will be playing
> for either no students at all or a collection of morons taught by idiots.
> My Canucks can beat your Canucks! Nanner, nanner, nanner.
> Dick