
>From:    Peter Bi <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: i jen, one man (again)

>my 2 cents:

>Some people used to be crazy on Communism, now some others are crazy on
>Democracy. Some people, including me, find that to read Confucius and Pound
>is much more enjoyable.

I hope, Peter Bi, that we all enjoy reading Pound and reading Confucius.  I
do.  I hope that we also enjoy reading the Tao Te Ching, Das Kapital, Locke,
Rousseau, and the US Constitution.  I do.   As to whether reading Pound is
more or less enjoyable than being crazy about Communism or crazy about
democracy --- that is not a choice we have to make, is it?  Communists,
Fascists, and democrats may all enjoy reading Pound and reading Confucius.
But they no one must agree with all the contents contained in such works.

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