Charles Moyer wrote:

<<   On the subject of what you have not addressed, I had wished (you wanted
an example) you would have continued as you said you would, to comment on my
posting of June 20, "Ain't no cure" etc. where you left of on "henotheism".
I was hoping you would get to Empson who is apposite to this discussion.>>

I am an especially strong admirer of Empson's analysis of Milton's God
(though I do not share Empson's precise attitude toward religion in

The concept of henotheism is one that interests me particularly because I
have spent much time in South Asia, looking at manifestations of henotheism
in India and Sri Lanka.  You will have to refresh my memory as to where we
might have left off on this issue.  I think Pound's polytheism may be much
closer to henotheism than to a traditional Greco-Roman approach to
worshipping, believing in, or communing with deities.  You may have thought
this through to a much greater degree than I have.  So please feel free to
suggest where you find the issue most interesting, in relation to Pound, in
relation to poetry, and in relation to the general subject of
religio-philosophical speculation.



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