<< At 02:11 PM 5/17/00 -0700, Jacob Korg wrote:
      And also,What is OM MANI PADME HUM,p.283?
        I'd be grateful for enlightenment. >>

OM MANI PADME HUM (literal translation: "hail the jewel in the lotus") is a
six syllable invocation (mantra) of avlokiteswara, who is invoked as the
savior and protector from danger. one who recites this mantra will be saved
from all dangers and will be protected. this mantra is widely found in every
field of mahayana buddhism -- it can be found inscribed on rocks, prayer
wheels, chaitya walls, pathways, mountain passes, and the approaches and
exits of villages. in its most well-known usage, OM MANI PADME HUM is found
inscribed on the surface of prayer wheels with millions of representations of
it contained INSIDE, as well  -- so therefore, when one spins the prayer
wheel, it means he "recites" it millions of times all at once (think eddie
murphy entering the tibetan temple in "the golden child"   ;)  ). as this
mantra is all-protective, people often wear it inscribed on pendants, rings,
bracelets, etc...which they keep on their person at all times -- and
oftentimes, it is chanted over endlessly... to accompany the dead as they
cross over from this world into the next.

best --
muffy bolding...