On Tue, 22 Nov 1994 89:56:00 LCL, Robert E. Landsparger <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>        Sorry if this is just noise to many of you, but in light of the
>amount of other noise that has crept up on hockey-l, it is getting
>hard to keep the mail box at a resonable size.  Instead of signing off
>like the trend is getting, I have decided to set-up a rolling archive
>for hockey-l in the WWW.

I'm sorry Bob, but the college hockey lists are not available for
redistribution.  Please remove your archive.  Thank you.

(Hockey-L *will* soon be available on the web through official channels.
In fact, this post was done from the web interface).

cheers, wayne

Wayne T. Smith   [log in to unmask]
Co-owner of the College hockey lists: Hockey-L and Hockey3