Dear Listmates,
Can anybody answer the following question I received? Thanks in advance.
  ... I am curious to know
  the following: do you have any idea if Pound gave a reading at Spoleto in
  1968?  I remember hearing him read there (I was all of sixteen), but as the
  years go on I question my memory.  Please help me with this if you can.
To this I quoted Carpetner, pp. 888f., where EP is said to read other poets'
poems in the Spoleto Festival 1965. It was, Carpenter notes, 'first of [EP's]
several visits to the Spoleto Festival', so 1968 is a possibility.  Then
I asked if the questioner heard EP read _his_ poems and got the following reply:
  I wish I could tell you that I remember what he read.  I thought he was
  reading his own poems.  What I do remember is being in the back of what might
  have been a theatre, it was dark inside and the man reading was old and hard
  (for me) to understand.  How I possibly remembered that it was Ezra Pound
  I'll never know.  Perhaps my sister and brother-in-law were impressed enough
  to make an impression on me.  Anyway, I'd love for you to post my query.
So here it is.  I'd appreciate any input anybody could offer.
  Michael E Hishikawa