>You'll take note that all four members of this 'media' pick Maine to lose
>to North Dakota and BC to beat St. Lawrence.  Reviews are mixed on whether
>UND or BC takes the national title.
If I read Cap Raeder correctly on Fox Sports last night, he picks Maine
over BC in the finals ...  but then it was a New England broadcast.  :)
On another subject ..
This morning, my 5-year-old son was playing with some marbles of various
sizes.  He hollers,"Heh, Dad!" "Do you know what team this small marble
is?" No.  "Maine, because it rolls the farthest".  "Do you know what
these other marbles are?" No.  "Boston and New Hampshire".  Good kid. :-)
Gooooooo Blue!
Wayne T. Smith
[log in to unmask]                          Old Town Landing
Co-owner of the College Hockey lists - Hockey-L and Hockey3