T Romano 'sounds' good bashing The Seafarer which has the GM Hopkins sludging of language in almost every line and stilted lines because of the profuse alliteration yet as verbal sounding gymnastics ain't it Grreat since the sense sings, meaning moans, depth delivers and richness resounds [can go on if you like?]
Apologies to Jay Anania for inane (inaniac) poundian diminutives. A psychoanalytic assessment of EP's use of such, suggests infantilism? Why does J Anania rebuke the use of 'boojwa' [best laugh for weeks here at this netclub] by Bob 'clean white linen' Scheetz of paper?
This listor has so far been reading happily but this is a second effusion the first a comment to D Wellman's following his entry quoted,  

"""Tha waes sael ond mael
thaet to healle gang Healfdenes sunu

- which Heaney gives as:

                        Then the due time arrived
for Halfdane's son to proceed to the hall.

There is no drama in the Heany. I like to experiment with what I take to
be cliche moments in Beowulf, 'sael ond mael" so:

That was a propitious moment
for Halfdane's son to enter the hall.

plus notice my "h's" work with not against speech rhythm.""

hello DW
Cousin Seamus must not be faulted - this seems to be written in stone in the Republic of letters
but 'Then the due time arrived' is abominably clumpsy unless intentional as some kind of journalese malaise or depiction of jadedness or ...  and not least his clunking, 'to proceed to the hall', even 'Then the dew time arrived' might sound passable in any other context and detractors of Ezra 'Loud' Pound might attribute such a line to he, 'Then the Jewtime arrived'.

May I amend your version to:

What a moment
for Halfdane's son to enter the hall.

Should one quibble, however when his nibs in Canto I writes
'Men many, mauled with bronze lance heads,'
surely to heavens
'Many men, mauled with bronze lance heads'
is more in keeping with his do's and don't and the natural word order...

oh well, will crawl under a big rock now"""

Have the listors got their gloves on for a punch up over
'The bank makes it ex nihil
Denied by five thousand professors, will any
Jury convict 'um?...' XLVI

Gudeven wordy pofessors
Kev ink