    i'm chastened
...scholarship is redeemed
-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Bray <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Wednesday, March 29, 2000 12:51 AM
Subject: Re: discussions...
>At 10:27 PM 3/28/00 -0500, bob scheetz wrote:
>>...the derivation (of boojwa) i had in mind
>>was leadbelly's "boojwa town"
>>...vastly more expressive,
>>precisely for being so indecorus a locution,
>>than the frenchie original, no?
>Except for, Mr. Ledbetter did not feel it cramped his style to use
>language straightforwardly, and entitled that song "Bourgeois Blues."
>For my money, Ry Cooder owns that tune now. -T.