Would it be intentional incoherence?  A rootless portion of a poem
alluding to a tale with no meaning to Pound (or to meaning in a tale
with no value to Pound)...I'd like to hear more comparisons of Pound
and Eliot's neo-Homeric epics.
--- bob scheetz <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> tim romano writes:
> >...forced exile is a grievous separation from friend and kin, and
> loss of identity.
> tim,
>     yeh,...egregiously absent in ep,  homesickness
> ...signifying? home & kin bore no meaning for him ?
> ...signifying no geneological base,
> prinicple of structure or coherence.
> wouldn't that make for a rootless, shallow poetry;
> as it would, a person?
> ...a kinda "california poetry",
> ie, quintessentially "american" (in the sardonic sense),
> all novelty and technique?
> and indeed, doesn't his "adams cantos" america seem
> got from books? stilted?...even more than his cathay?
> but, supreme irony, (as adorno pt'd out) odysseus
> is the archetypal bourgeois.  hero-ideal of a
> gk merchant society aborning.
> in contrast to achilles' noble absolutes, magnanimity,
> odysseus is all cunning and trickery
> ...instrumental reason
> ...very much  "the donald" or  "bill gates" or "the jew".
> so...while joyce uses the archetype to great effect,
> it seems to me ep's odysseus is ultimately incoherent.
> whadaya think?
> bob
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