Hi.  I posted a query earlier, but I've noticed that the list is more active
now, so I'll try again.  I am a student at Florida State University and I,
along with my classmates in an Honors Seminar, have undertaken the task of
tracking down each of the allusions found in Marianne Moore's poem
"Marriage" in order to construct a hypertext. The poet herself has credited
one quotation to Ezra Pound.  The line is as follows:
"'A wife is a coffin.'  Ezra Pound."
This is the only information given, and I have been unable to identify the
text in which it is found.  I have located concordances to the Personae and
Cantos and searched several electronic copies of Pound's work, but to no
avail. If anyone recognizes this quote or has any suggestions as to where
else I may look, please let me know.  Thank you!
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