it's not like the fans are insulting the players personally when they yell
"sucks" or "sieve"... it's just a long withstanding tradition, and not
really worth getting upset over, in my opinion.
>> if someone wants to send their kid to Colgate for 30k + a year so he can
>> yell profanities at my kid- G-d bless em- all the profanity just reflects
on the >> school and the student body-
i'm quite certain that people don't send their kids to schools specifically
to insult opposing hockey teams, nor do students choose what college they
decide to attend based on this, nor do i think it reflects the school in any
way.  colgate's fans treated the rpi pep band like garbage (and threw a lot
of it at them as well) last year.  although this act was completely uncalled
for and tasteless, the guilty party was a distinct minority of the student
body as a whole, and therefore, i don't hold it against the entire school.
if some people want to act like jerks, that's fine.  but it's equally as
uncalled for to accuse an entire school of being moronic because of the
actions of a few.
my two cents,
andrea catenaro
rpi '02
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