Hi.  I am a student at Florida State University.  I, along with my
classmates, have undertaken the task of attempting to track down each of the
allusions found in Marianne Moore's poem "Marriage."  I have been assigned
one of the allusions that Moore herself credits to Ezra Pound.  The quote is
"A wife is a coffin."  This quote is found within the text in quotation
marks and is listed in the author's notes only as:  "A wife is a coffin."
Ezra Pound.  My classmates and I are attempting to construct a hypertext
containing a link to each allusion.  I have found concordances to Pound's
Cantos and Personae, as well as every electronic copy of Pound's poetry I
was able to find on the web, but have had no luck finding the quote.  If
anyone is familiar with it or has any suggestions as to where else I may
look, please let me know.  Thank you!
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