Miranda Hickman sent me the following note in response to posts about the
Pound Era.
It seems we need a little better information. Did he era begin i n 1914 or
1922.  Clearly Pound did not take the matter too seriously.
Dear Leon Surette,
As I find I'm not authorized to send messages to the EP-List from this
account (though I can receive from the list), I'm sending this reply to
you--in the hope that you can relay it to the list.
I'm not sure this speaks to Jonathan Morse's query, as I haven't followed
the thread carefully, but Pound wrote an ad for *Blast* in 1914 that ended
with the phrase "END OF THE CHRISTIAN ERA."  As Bill Wees notes in
*Vorticism and the English Avant-Garde* (160), the advertisement appeared on
the back cover of *The Egoist* for 1 April 1914.
Best wishes,
Miranda Hickman
Department of English
McGill University
Leon Surette
English Dept.
University of Western Ontario
London, Ont.
N6A 3K7