For a research project on Ezra Pound, Thaddeus Pound, and American Indians, I
would be grateful for any information persons could provide concerning the below
documents from the "Thaddeus Coleman Pound Scrapbook" at Brunnenburg.  If anyone
has further citations in addition to those in Alec Marsh, "Thaddeus Coleman
Pound's 'Newspaper Scrapbook' as a Source for _The Cantos_," _Paideuma_ 24:2-3
(Fall-Winter 1995), or copies of the documents themselves, I would be extremely
appreciative.  While I'm interested in the scrapbook as a whole, the portions of
potentially the greatest relevance -- as they appear in the Marsh essay -- are:
* Page 27 of the scrapbook:
"Cabinet Gossip - Taad [sic] Pound for Secretary of the Interior..." _Chicago
"Washington DC...Nov 19," [1881].
"Gov. Pound for Sec. of the Interior." _St. Paul Journal_.
* Page 28 of the scrapbook:
"Pound for the Cabinet." _Milwaukee Telegraph_.
* Page 32 of the scrapbook:
"Hon. Thad. C. Pound has been nominated for Secretary of the Interior." [Nov.
* Page 47 of the scrapbook:
"Ex-Congressman Thad C. Pound of Wisconsin has proposed a solution to the Indian
* Page 64 of the scrapbook:
"Governor Pound on Chippewa."
* Loose material in scrapbook:
Typescript of speech by TCP in House of Representatives re "Transfer of Indian
Bureau to War dept." May 27, 1878. Marked by EP on p. 6. [Note: I obtained this
document from the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, but without the EP
markings, which I'd like to see. - Scott]
Typescript of TCP article or speech, "Home Rule For Indians."
"Tribute to Thad Pound By the Pioneer's Lifelong Friend." By William Irvine.
"Thaddeus C. Pound."  Eulogistic profile written before TCP's death. [1913?].
Again, any information on dates, publications, etc. -- or copies of the
documents themselves -- would be most appreciated.  I would of course cover any
copying/mailing/etc. expenses.  Individuals may respond directly to me
<[log in to unmask]> if they'd prefer.  Thank you in advance.
Scott Laderman