Understandably, members of this list don't spend much time talking about
John Kasper, Eustace Mullins, or the other political Poundians who hung
around the lawn at St. Elizabeths. In a letter to Pound, Ernest Hemingway
called them "dangerous fawning jerks," and -- for the poetry, at least --
that does seem to wrap the topic up. Pound was lonely and despised, but
some people were willing to give him their love. It was a questionable
love, but while it lasted it was something. Add a few explanatory lines to
the _Companion_ and let it go at that.
But fifty years later the lawn is still alive on the Web. No big deal
outside northern Idaho, but offlist I've recently received a distressed
note from a member who has just discovered the nut orchard. So to that
member, and anyone else who's interested, let me offer these informational
links to the Anti-Defamation League, a Jewish organization.
"Hate on the World-Wide Web: A Brief Guide to Cyberspace Bigotry."
"Jewish 'Control' of the Federal Reserve: A Classic Anti-Semitic Myth"
Jonathan Morse
Co-editor, H-Net list H-Antisemitism