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Full-name: MaineRivals
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Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2000 12:30:17 EST
Subject: Re: update
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In a message dated 1/4/00 10:37:31 AM Eastern Standard Time, CH11111 writes:
Why, thank you.  I try. :)
> Why don't you post it on the discussion list?
I've been making posts to's message board, plus the AOL
message board's dealing with Maine basketball.  I think I tried to access the
discussion list once, but it didn't work.  How do I get there, again?
Oh, before the end of the week, I'll update the "Black Bears in the Pros"
stats and print them out.  I'd like to leave some copies in the Dexter Lounge
this weekend as promotional material.   In the meantime, pass the word about
the site (and the poll question).  I'll take all the hits I can get!
Thanks, Cathy!
Jim Baines, Publisher
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