There are some books on Vorticism which include good analyses of the
relations between Vorticism and Futurism. Wyndham Lewis (as the ring leader)
was probably more related to Marinetti than Pound was. In his letters there
are a couple of references to Futurist shows in London. Two useful titles
Richard Cork: Vorticism and Abstract Art in the First Machine Age. (2 vols.)
William Wees: Vorticism and the English Avant-Garde.
They're both very informative regarding the ins and outs of Vorticism,
Lewis, Pound, the other Vorticists, etc. Plus there's also Reed Way
Dasenbrock's excellent book which I think was already mentioned: "The
Literary Vorticism of Ezra Pound and Wyndham Lewis".
I hope this helps.
Jason Monios
>I've been searching for information pertaining to Pound & Futurism (pref.
>pre-war), but haven't had much luck. Did Pound know those Futurist fellows
>all? If anyone could offer some assistance it would be much appreciated.
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