>From:  Robert Kibler <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject:      Re: Animal House at the Ezuversity
>To:    [log in to unmask]
>Date:  Wed, 12 Jan 2000 17:38:46 -1000
>Thanks to Everett Lady for reminding me in his bio that Takoma Park--where =
>I was born--was actually a pretty hip place, despite being the Seventh Day =
>Adventist capital of the world. And if anyone has more info on Sheri =
>Martinelli, please do post it. What little I have read about her has =
>fascinated me, and no doubt, others. Didn't someone post a photo of her =
>last year?
I left Takoma Park in 1959 to go to the University of Arizona, which I
chose because I'd never been west of the Mississippi River and because it
was a long way from home.  At that time, the possibility that it, or any
of the towns surrounding D.C., might ever become "hip" was beyond my
wildest imaginings.  I returned in 1966 and was shocked to see guys on
the streets outside the Georgetown (in D.C. proper) nightclubs wearing
hair that fell to below their shoulders, but Takoma Park was still the
little Seventh Day Adventist town I'd always known.  I hated the
University of Maryland (for social rather than academic reasons) and left
T.P. again in 1967 to go to UC San Diego, which I had heard (correctly)
was a lot more fun and was a place where it might actually be possible to
make friends.
Only recently did somebody tell me that Takoma Park eventually turned
into a hippie town.
As to Sheri, do check out the links on my web site.  Look especially at
And get Anatole Broyard's book KAFKA WAS THE RAGE, which is mostly about
Sheri.  It's available in paperback now.