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The Maine Hockey Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 16 Jan 1998 02:49:17 EST
The Maine Hockey Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
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text/plain (112 lines)
Funny, my initial intent was to hear from all of you...and that I did. (-:

I wanted to get everyone's bent on the games I couldn't attend; because I felt
I wasn't getting the whole picture. I in no way felt that I bashed on Dave by
merely disagreeing with him, with what, or how he chose to write about it.

These were only my opinions I expressed! They were not harmful or injurious to
Dave or USCHO, nothing at all like the kind of verbal-hatchet-jobs Maine
endures frequently in the press.

Dave is in business and that means he rides the fence...he has too!
Dave admitted this himself, he is writing for a large general audience.  He
that even when the Boston Globe covers the Patriots, they cover it with the
Pat viewpoint. 

I knew that.

That's why I wanted to hear some other opinions— it's really that simple. 

Do we know what Dave's real opinions are.....?

In, *Hit me with your best shot* (-:  some of Dave's opinions surface and I
can tell you that here's where Dave and I would really *agree to disagree*!
Echo, Echo..

Why though, does Dave feel he has to defend himself so, not just what he wrote
about !?

Dave pats himself on the back for not mentioning the incidents recently at
Maine.  We all can read Dave and we were probably all relieved that finally
someone wasn't going to take another LOW SHOT at Maine (just because we played
in a defensive mode to make a point! ) (-:
Dave really doesn't mince descriptives here either in depicting Maine and how
he chose to cover the game..

(sorry to use the word ) defensive mode
I might have opened with another *angle*
game fell short of that promise
outstanding is an overstatement
tell the story from a Maine point of view
defending Walsh and knee jerk Maine Bashers .......which is not necessarily
the prevalent view around the league..

Dave reassures us that he isn't a Knee- Jerk -Maine- Basher by revealing to us
that he is in fact a native Maine-iac while rubbing in the fact that it's more
prevalent to bash Maine then not to!?   

Well, we already knew that too (about the popularity of bashing MAINE)... (-:

I really  kept questioning why Dave felt he had to defend himself? 

I shook my head.?

Attrition.......Dave describes our weakened position....we were in a defensive
mode, we were counterpunching...that means we were not in an attacking
mode...we were down men, defensive and counterpunching...does that sound
positive to anybody!?  It was reality, yes! It was still negative thinking or
*opponent thinking*! But we got a point out of this! 

What's different between our two angles....... I said with only four D we
pulled out a point...that's a positive. (-: I was saying that Maine still got
a performance that maybe wasn't acceptable according to Sportschannel opening-
season-criteria but in the eyes of (not just Maine fans) but hockey fans in
general it was as good a game offensively for BC as it was defensively for
MAINE—however you want to dissect it, pull it apart, grade it or analyze it..

Dave said that a defensive mode or trap game is undesirable to watch...period!

Well, by now, he's made that real clear!!? (-:

But, he said, we positioned ourselves to win this type of game and we were

Thanks Dave, I thought so too! (-:

But, is this your *slant* for the Black Bears after you said just said how
undesirable this was to watch, and how you couldn't, and wouldn't slant from a
Maine point of view!? (-:

Dave has every right to defend his stance and I expected him to when I first
posted. What I didn't expect was his defensive mode, didn't expect him to put
up his dukes against a defenseless Hockey Mom, didn't expect him to claim bias
from mere discussion!? (-:

I don't think anyone is going to stop reading DAVE, I certainly won't. I think
this whole exchange will aid Dave in his perspective as it will ours as BLACK
BEAR FANS.. I hope so...Hockey reporting is not a job for most of us and as
fans we probably approach every BEAR game with  a dose of will they, or won't
they tonight!  And, for sure they (BEARS) will not always meet with fan or
coaching staff expectations, let alone their own.......but ya got give credit
were credit is due, whether it's fashionable to *trap* or not!  

>C'mon, folks what more do you want? 

I would like to see you and other USCHO reporters get viewpoints from both
sides of the fence.....(-: Interview the fans, get their opinions online. Use
their names. This is supposed to be fun. Bring the spirit of the game to the
re-cap—from the millions that watch from outside the boards, in the stands and
pasted on the glass—that's what's missing! (-: Their passion for their team
and the game may not be as technical; but it's at the heart of the sport!  (-:

Hey Dave.....from now in future posts my name is spelled....V I C K
