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College Hockey discussion list <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 30 Mar 1992 15:22:57 EST
College Hockey discussion list <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (151 lines)
I wish to thank each list member that provided replies to the survey
below. I have tallied those received through the morning of March 25,
1992. This will allow me time to summarize them before the playoffs
and hockey finals when some members may "inactivate" their accounts.
As previously stated, I was curious at the list members makeup based
upon seeing the types of replies and extent of expertise shown.
 I apologize for the vagueness some of the questions given and the fact
 some questions allow for multiple answers which could complicate
 results. Where general answers where given I took the liberty of
 trying to make fit. I didn't conduct this poll (please change the term
 to survey as requested by a list member to avoid confusion with other
 rating polls) as a scientific exercise, but only as a means to see
 the types of people interested in college hockey with access to this
 list. Given the time constraints, I will still try to "formulate" some
 general observations made from the replies.
 Thirty-three replies were received plus my own for a total of thirty-
 four. First, they are summed below each question with observations
 included at the end.
1. Do you currently attend a Div I Hockey School/Other Div/Canada?
   As a undergrad/grad/member of staff?
   If DIV I, List school Conference ECAC/HE/WCHA/CCHA?
   Undergraduate = ECAC = 4, HE = 1
   Graduate = ECAC = 1, WCHA = 2, CCHA = 1
   Staff = ECAC = 6, HE = 1, WCHA = 3, CCHA = 1, Other = 1
   If both grad and member of staff I used member of staff.
2. If attending as a graduate student, did you attend a hockey
   school as an undergraduate?
   If DIV I, List school Conference ECAC/HE/WCHA/CCHA?
   ECAC = 4, ECAC & HE = 1, WCHA = 1
   No's and blanks were omitted. I really wanted to have member
   of staff replies to question # 1 also answer but didn't state this.
3. If not at Hockey School, how did you become interested?
   Through spouse/friend/other?
   Various replies received including undergrad at Div I, Div III
   schools, fan, spouse, hockey at Olympics.
4. If not at Hockey School now but did attend, how many years since?
   a. 1-4 yrs.  b. 5-8 yrs.  c. 9-12 yrs.  d. 13-20 yrs.  e. 20+ yrs.
   a = 6        b = 0        c = 2         d = 1          e = 1
   These replies exclude those at school now. Blanks were not tallied.
5. Amount of College hockey games attended per yr on average?
   During past yr.
   a. 1-5   b. 6-10  c. 10-20  d. 20+
   a = 6    b = 4    c = 8     d = 12
   During previous year.
   a. 1-5   b. 6-10  c. 10-20  d. 20+
   a = 8    b = 5    c = 7     d = 10
6. College Hockey game attendance, number of schools this past year.
   a. 1 school    b. 2 schools    c. 3+ schools
   a = 14         b = 5           c = 12
7. Do you travel for regular season games over 50 miles?
   a. 1-2 times   b. 3+ times
   a = 15         b = 7
   No's were not asked or tallied.
8. Did you attend College hockey playoffs?
   a. Last year?   b. Two years ago?
   a = 14          b = 18
9. Out-of-State travel to see a hockey game?
   a. This past year?    b. A year ago?
   a = 9                 b = 13
10. Do you regularly attend other hockey games?
   a. Professional     b. High School    c. Others
   a = 10              b = 6             c = 5
   A includes semi-professional.
11. Do you currently play Hockey?
   a. College     b. Other
   a = 0          b = 9
12. If not undergraduate, did you previously play College hockey?
    Yes = 3
    Includes college "Club" Teams.
Observations :
The majority of replies are from ECAC members of staff. This is somewhat
surprising since the list is based at a HE school. Larger hockey schools
are in the West. No explanation is offered.
The spread of hockey games seen during the past two years is very even
with the greatest number of list participants seeing 20 or more games.
Most do not travel very far, about 1/3 of replies indicate they
attend 3 or more schools during the past year. Although there is a
large concentration of smaller hockey schools in the east, west members
also seem to travel and a similar number indicate they have seen games
in 3 or more schools.
The vast majority of members did not play college hockey or played while
at college. Interestingly, of the three that said they did play while at
school, two volunteered that they played "Women's Hockey". I did not ask
nor tried to tabulate gender, but it is interesting that so few list
members that are interested in College Hockey actually played it.
A little less than 1/3 play intermural, club or other forms of hockey.
Most list replies are from spectators rather than players.
More than half the replies have attended a playoff two years ago with
about 1/3 seeing this past years playoff. The question was a little
confusing as to what constituted this year and what last year.
Replies from undergraduates show the least amount of travel and playoff
attendance. I didn't ask about school class, so many of the undergrads.
could be underlass students not attending college 1-2 years ago.
Conclusions :
Without trying to read too much into 34 replies, I could say that the
typical list member is an ECAC member of staff that sees at least 10
games per year, does travel regularly to playoffs and did not play
college hockey and is manly interested as a spectator.
That's the profile for all its worth. I still can't answer for the
thoroughness of replies. I don't think I asked the right questions. Like
many sports, members could view college hockey as a hobby - trying to
learn and research all aspects of the sport. I'll leave this type of
research for others.
I hope that at least most of you are entertained by the summary of
William Krebs