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Kenny Zalewski <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
College Hockey discussion list <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 27 Feb 1992 09:47:41 GMT
text/plain (172 lines)
Following is a very comprehensive intramural ice hockey survey.  If you
are familiar with your school's program, please take the time to read
and fill out this survey, and to return it via Email to me, Kenny Zalewski,
at "[log in to unmask]".  If requested, a summary of responses will be posted
in the future.
Your input is greatly appreciated, as we are trying to improve our
intramural program here at RPI, and see where it stands relative to
other intramural programs throughout the country.  If you cannot answer
all questions, feel free to answer those which you can.  Some input is
better than none.
Thank you very much for your time.  Following is the survey, which is
divided into four main sections: Teams, Officials, Game-Play, and In-Summary.
                        Intramural Ice Hockey Survey
Section 1: TEAMS -- Players, Fees, Ability levels, Equipment
1.1) How many teams in total participate in the program?
1.2) Who is allowed to participate in the program (students, staff,
     fraternities, non-students, etc.)?  Is the program co-ed, or are
     there distinct male-female separations?  If the program is co-ed,
     what is your estimate of the male-female ratio?
1.3) Is there a per-team/per-player fee to particpate?
     If so, how much?  If not, what covers the cost?
1.4) How are different ability levels separated?  If teams are divided
     into leagues, describe the leagues.  Comparison to college, high
     school, and amateur hockey would be appreciated.  For example:
             "Our 'A' league is our most competitive league,
              similar in quality to high school and/or
              Div. III hockey.  Our 'D' league is our least
              competitive league; participants can barely
              skate and have almost no hockey skills."
1.4.a) How many teams are in each league?
1.4.b) Which leagues allow checking?  Which are non-checking?
1.4.c) How do players get into a particular league?  Are there try-outs?
       Do teams just register for what league they feel they belong in?
1.5) What type of protective equipment is required?  Is this supplied by
     the program, or must players buy it on their own?  Do players sign
     any sort of "injury waiver", or does the intramural department cover
1.6) Are team jerseys (all players have same color, with a unique number
     on the back) required?  Are these supplied by the program, or must
     teams buy their own?
1.7) Does each team have a coach(es)?  Does each team have a captain?  Is
     there any ice time allocated for practices?  If so, please detail.
Section 2: OFFICIALS -- Equipment, Performance, Salary, Officiating systems
2.1) Where are officials acquired for games (local officiating chapter,
     students, intramural staff)?
2.1.a) If the officials are not from a local officiating chapter, how
       are they trained?  How are they evaluated?
2.1.b) Who schedules the officials?  How much are they paid?
2.2) Are the officials paid?  If so, how much?  If not, why not?  Are
     they paid by the game, or by the hour?  How are they paid (student
     payroll, under-the-table, etc.)?
2.3) What equipment is required of the officials (whistle, black-and-white
     sweater, black pants, helmet, etc.)?  Is this equipment supplied by
     the program, or must officials buy it on their own?
2.4) What rule book is followed (AHAUS, NCAA, AHL, NHL)?  Are rule books
     supplied?  Are any rule book tests given?
2.5) Give a brief evaluation of the competency of the intramural ice
     hockey officials.
2.5.a) What duties are they required to perform (line calls, penalty
       calls, moving nets, etc.)?  Are the officials an active part of
       the game, or just there to basically oversee things?
2.5.b) How do players and/or fans interact with the officials?  Are the
       officials left alone, or do they get abused often?
2.6) What officiating system(s) is/are used (1-man, 2-man, 3-man)?  If
     3-man is used, is it 1 ref and 2 linesmen, or 2 refs and 1 linesman?
Section 3: GAME-PLAY -- Location, Timekeeping, Scorekeeping, Stats
3.1) At what rink(s) are the games played?  Is this on or off campus?
     Are fans allowed to attend?  If so, what kind of attendance is
3.2) About when does the season start/end?  At what time during the day
     or night do the games begin/end?  How often is the ice re-surfaced
     during this time?
3.2.a) Who schedules the games?  How much are they paid?
3.3) How long, in real clock time, does a typical game last?
3.3.a) How does this time break down into periods/halves?  For example:
             "Both teams on the ice at 10pm for warm-ups.
              First half starts at 10:05pm, and ends at 10:29pm.
              Rest period, then second half starts at 10:31pm.
              Game ends at 10:53pm, followed by a re-surface."
3.4) Is a scoreclock used during the games?  If so, who runs it, and what
     are they paid?  How long is a period, and how many periods are there?
     If no scoreclock is used, then how is time kept, and how are players
3.4.a) Are penalty times recorded?  How long is a minor/major/misconduct?
3.4.b) Is it stop-and-go time, or running time?
3.5) Is some sort of game report form used?
3.5.a) Who fills out and signs the game report?
3.5.b) Are goals/assists recorded?  Are penalties recorded?
3.6) How are injuries handled?  Is there any first-aid on hand?
3.7) Are game protests accepted?  If so, how are they handled?
3.8) If a game ends in a tie, what is done, if anything?
3.9) Are there playoffs?  If so, how are they handled?  How are ties
     broken?  Are any awards given to the winners?  If so, what are they?
3.10) Are team rosters kept?  Are they checked regularly for "ringers"?
      If a player is disqualified from a game, and must sit out during a
      subsequent game, who checks up on this?
3.11) Are standings kept/posted throughout the season?  Are stats kept
      on individual teams or players?
Section 4: IN SUMMARY
4.1) What, in your opinion, is your program's strongest point(s)?
4.2) What, in your opinion, is your program's weakest point(s)?
4.3) Comment on anything you would like to see changed in your intramural
     ice hockey program.  What is your general evaluation of the program?
Thanks for taking the time to fill out this survey!  Please remember to
Email your response to "[log in to unmask]", and indicate if you'd like to
eventually see a summary posted.
Kenny Zalewski -- Information Technology Services at Rensselaer
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 83 Albright Court, Troy, NY, 12180
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