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"McKenney, Janet" <[log in to unmask]>
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McKenney, Janet
Thu, 12 Nov 2020 21:12:14 +0000
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Recording and Recap of Tuesday, November 10 Statewide Zoom meeting and additional information on EMA and Health Safety officials

Zoom Meeting recording is on the MSL Coronavirus page in the column on the right.  Pasted below for your convenience.

  *   Governor Renewed the State of Emergency for another 30 days. The State of Emergency Orders expire every thirty days so must be renewed on a 30-day basis.

  *   New Executive Order - November 4, 2020 - An Order to Revise Indoor Gathering Limits, Strengthen Face Covering Requirements and Delegate Certain Authority<>
     *   Requirement. Owners and operators of indoor public settings shall, as soon as practicable, post plainly visible signs notifying entrants of the requirement to wear cloth face coverings, and may deny service or entry for non-compliance with the Governor's face covering requirements
     *   Requirement. The indoor gathering limit is returned to 50 persons, as provided for in Section I(A) of Executive Order 55 FY 19/20 (See further information provided below regarding alignment with square footage requirements in the Public and Community Buildings Checklist

  *   Review Highlights to Updated Public and Community Buildings Checklist<>

     *   People in shared space must be able to maintain 6 feet of physical distance. If a space cannot accommodate individuals maintaining 6 feet of physical distance, further restrict the number of individuals allowed in that space beyond the limits established by Executive Order.
     *   Limit the total occupancy of buildings to 5 visitors or patrons per 1,000 square feet of visitor-accessible space. (Updated 6/17/20) - Still in effect for Phase 4
     *   While 5 visitors or patrons per 1,000 square feet is the maximum number at this time, managers should consider the following factors that can increase transmission risk in their building and may decide to set a lower capacity limit, such as 3 per 1,000 square feet, if present:
        *   Poor ventilation, i.e. little outside air circulating in.  Winter considerations.
        *   Confined spaces that make physical distancing difficult
     *   Require all staff to wear face coverings. Face coverings are not required when individual offices
     *   Place signage at entrances and throughout buildings regrading occupancy limits, physical distancing requirements and face covering requirements.

  *   Additional Guidance for Office Settings (Added 11/6/20 to the Public and Community Buildings Checklist) - Highlights for libraries to take note:
     *   Telework is an encouraged strategy to decrease the density of employees in the workplace, lower the risk of outbreaks, and allow for better utilization of space for those who cannot work remotely.
     *   Limit in-person gatherings or meetings of employees to the greatest extent practicable. Team meetings should be done remotely and if in person, with at least 6 feet of physical distancing between participants and use of masks/face coverings. Shorter meetings (<15 minutes) are encouraged over longer meetings.
     *   When considering strategies to mitigate COVID-19 transmission, organizations must consider the configuration of their workspace.
     *   Organizations may consider allowing the temporary removal of face coverings in the following situations
     *   Workers should have a face covering available at all times in the event it is needed (e.g., if an individual enters another person's office). Face-to-face interactions with people within 6 feet of each other in workspaces are discouraged.
     *   Restroom guidance and Employee Guidance - see document for details. If you download it is on pages 2-3 of the PDF.
We are working to integrate all guidance into a newly updated Public Library Checklist.
Changes will go to the Commission for review and approval.

Van delivery announcements
No make-up deliveries for Thanksgiving.  We know this has great impact on the 1 -2 day delivery libraries.  We can't afford to allow for makeup days under the current budget cutbacks.  If all libraries with 1 day deliveries can alert patrons that for the week of Nov 23rd there will be no deliveries to help manage expectations of when they may get their ILL books.
We are also working with FX on the impact of the Portland initiative for wage increases for hazard pay for workers.  This greatly increases FX driver and sorter costs and will impact MSL depending on the timing of when this is implemented and to what extent.  We are awaiting news from Portland and FX. The City Council has come out with ambiguous legal determination that we will need to discuss with FX and determine costs and then engage in conversations about the best way to move forward.

I promised some info about emergency management and local health official contacts.  Please contact them to get additional information about your current building open/closed status to be in compliance with the Governor's Executive orders.

Emergency Management and Public Health Officer Links

County Emergency Management Agencies

In Maine, emergency management is coordinated regionally by Emergency Management Agencies (EMAs)<> in each of our 16 Counties. County Directors are appointed by their respective County Commissioners, and funded in part by County, and in part by federal funds provided through MEMA.

County EMAs provide an invaluable link between the almost 500 cities and towns in Maine, and the State. They provide support and leadership in preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation to their local, business and volunteer partners.

Local Health Officers and COVID

Role of the Local Health Officer (LHO)

  *   Provide information for your community and your town government.
  *   Act in a reasonable and calm way when communicating information and fact sheets to the residents and town officials.
  *   Work as a team with your code enforcement officer, local plumbing inspector, and local emergency management director.
  *   Learn about COVID-19 - the signs and symptoms, and guidance on quarantine, and isolation.
  *   Work with your Maine CDC District Liaison.
  *   Find your Town's Local Health Officer      <>
Stay well everyone.
Please feel free to contact anyone at MSL with questions.
Links can be found on the MSL Regions and Liaisons page<>


Janet McKenney
Director, Library Development
Maine State Library
SHS 64
230 State Street
Augusta, ME 04333

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@janetmckenney (Twitter)