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chuq von rospach <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
chuq von rospach <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 3 Dec 1994 16:22:15 -0700
text/plain (315 lines)
Last update 12/3/94
This is the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) for the Women in Hockey
mailing list. To suggest additions, changes,  corrections or
anything else, send mail to [log in to unmask]
This list is for women who play Ice and Roller hockey, or who are involved
in Ice and Roller hockey in some way, or are interested in playing in these
Table of Contents
1)  Important Thoughts
2)  The really quick intro for people who refuse to read instructions,
        even though they really ought to
2a) Subscriptions
2b) Cancelling Subscriptions
2c) Archives
3)  Group charter, rules, and guidelines
4)  Frequently Asked Questions
    (this is under construction)
5)  30 second guide to using listproc
Important Thoughts
Everyone is requested to read the rules and charter at least once and to
please abide by them. Failure to cooperate can lead to having your posting
priviledges revoked, or to find yourself removed from the list completely.
Laurie Sefton ([log in to unmask]) and Chuq Von Rospach
([log in to unmask]) are your co-List Moms on women-in-hockey.  We have
final say on what is and is not appropriate for posting to the list.
If you are requested to close out a discussion, take it to e-mail or
shift it to a different mailing list, please comply. You can discuss
the situation with us, and I'm willing to listen, but ultimately,
nobody else gets a vote. Anyone who feels a posting or message thread
is out of line should contact the list mom.  Users who try to take
content issues into their own hands will only make the List Mom very
unhappy with them.
These rules are in place because users taking content issues into their own
hands is one of the most common causes of flamewars. List Mom doesn't like
flamewars. Let's all work together to keep the lists a fun place to be.
(if you want flamewars, read
PLEASE keep a copy of this around so that if you need to change your
subscription or remove yourself from the list for some reason you can do it
without a lot of hassle (note: laziness and ignorance are not valid reasons
for asking the List Mom to remove you from the lists. List Mom is at least
as busy as you are, and prefers to let the computer do the grunt work.
Please try to follow the directions first, and if you have problems, I'll be
thrilled to help if you can't make this stuff work for some reason, but I'd
frankly rather be doing list content than list administration).
The really quick intro for people who refuse to read instructions,
        even though they really ought to
To post to the list, send mail to [log in to unmask]
There are also other related lists on
roller-hockey-intl, bay-area-hockey, and the San Jose Sharks lists..
Each has their own FAQ that you can get if you're interested. To get
them, send "info bay-area-hockey" or "info roller-hockey-intl" or "info
sharks" to the address "[log in to unmask]" with a blank Subject.
+++ SUBSCRIPTIONS To subscribe to a list, please send mail to
"[log in to unmask]".  Please put the following command in the
body of the message (the subject line should NOT be a command. It can
be blank or nonsense):
        subscribe women-in-hockey your name
To unsubscribe, use "unsubscribe" instead of "subscribe"
The archives for the women-in-hockey list can be accessed the following ways:
o Through the listproc: Send listproc a message of "index
women-in-hockey" to see what's in there. See the instructions at the
end of this FAQ for full details on using the archive server portion of
the server.
o Through ftp: the women-in-hockey list ftp directory is on the machine
"" in directory "pub/hockey/women-in-hockey".
o Through gopher: You can access the files through gopher, too, using
the path "pub/hockey/women-in-hockey".
o Through mosaic: The women-in-hockey list home page is:
(under construction)
If you get completely lost, send "help" to the listproc and read the (gasp)
instructions. A quick introduction to using listproc is appended to this
FAQ. Please read it. It will make your life much easier.
Group charter, rules, and guidelines
What belongs on the list:
Anything having to do with women playing ice or roller hockey, or who are
somehow involved in these sports. People interested in getting involved with
the sports and/or playing are also welcome.
We are excluding field hockey from the list, since it's different enough
from ice/roller hockey to deserve it's own lists, and because the audiences
are distinct enough that we feel it's a reasonable distinction. We're open
for discussion on this.
What's not allowed is flaming. This is a friendly joint. You want to be a
jerk, go read The List Mom reserves the right to
define 'jerk' on a case by case basis.
We will also take a VERY hard stand against brain-dead gender flames. This
is not a discussion list where people can discuss WHETHER women ought to
play hockey. The reality is they DO, and they should. People who attempt to
act like Male Chauvinist Pigs will find their tenure on the list very short,
and not very satisfying.
We don't mind when emotions run high. We do mind when people lose control
of them. We think of this place as a sports bar where everyone gets
together and watches the games and then buys each other beers and talks.
We do NOT want to run a bar where people watch games and then throw the
chairs at each other. We expect everyone to act like intelligent,
reasonably mature human beings. Pretend your mother is behind the bar and
act accordingly (because she is!)
Also, do not post copyrighted material. It's illegal to type something in
from a newspaper verbatim, or repost something sent out via Clarinet. Yes,
we know it happens all over the net. That doesn't make it right or legal. If
you DO do it, you put both yourself and us as owners of the list at legal
risk of the copyright holder decides to fight. You CAN post a pointer to the
work, summarize what the work is saying, post quotes from the work without
the boundaries of fair use (and feel free to ask us if you aren't sure), but
posting entire articles is a major no-no. Failure to cooperate on this one
can get you kicked off the list, so please be careful. If you aren't sure,
ask first.
Frequently Asked Questions
Okay, so what belongs here?
30 second instruction on using listproc
The quick and easy 30 second guide to listproc
(for people who hate reading the instructions)
Listproc is a mailing list and archiving system that is similar to,
but not identical with, the BITNET LISTSERV software. If you take the
time to learn a few simple command, youUll find it a powerful and
flexible way to find and access the information that has been made
available. Listproc, however, is stupid. If you donUt send it exactly
what it wants to see, it'll make you miserable.
Fortunately, it is pretty simple to feed the listproc. Just follow
the directions.
All listproc commands are sent to the address
[log in to unmask] as an email message. The commands should
be in the body of the message, not the Subject line. In fact, if you
attempt to put commands in the Subject line, listproc will reject
your message and return it. LEAVE THE SUBJECT LINE BLANK. If your
mail software won't let you do that, put something cute and
innovative in there instead. Whatever you do, don't put listproc
commands in the Subject line!
If you remember that piece of advice, 99% of your problems with
listproc are solved.
Listproc has two major subsystems: the mailing list subsystem and the
archive subsystem.
There is one command all listproc users should know: HELP. You can
give it a parameter of COMMAND, where COMMAND is one of the listproc
commands, and listproc will send you more details on that command.
Mailing List Commands
There are four commands commonly used to control the mailing list
        LISTS: The LISTS command takes no parameters. It will cause
listproc to send you the names of the mailing lists supported by this
        SUBSCRIBE: enrolls you in a mailing list. The format is:
list. YOURNAME is, not surprisingly, your real name, not your email
address, which listproc will get from the header of the email
        UNSUBSCRIBE: removes you from a mailing list. The format is
UNSUBSCRIBE LISTNAME. You don't give your name to the UNSUBCRIBE
        SET:  The SET command lets you change the options attached to
your subscription on a list. The format is SET LISTNAME OPTION. The
common options are DIGEST, ACK and NOACK.
        DIGEST converts your subscription to the digest format, which
means that instead of getting individual messages as they are sent to
listproc, you would get them in a combined format, usually once a
day, in a single mail message. This option is very useful to people
suffering from too much email.
        ACK and NOACK turn off the digest format and cause listproc to
send you individual messages again. The difference between the two is
how listproc handles your own submissions to the list. ACK will cause
listproc to send you a copy of your own messages, while NOACK won't.
The default is ACK.
There are other commands and options that can be used as well, and
these are covered in the on-line documentation available through the
HELP command.
In summary, here's how a typical listproc command would look that
uses these commands. This assumes UCB mail or mailx, but other
mailers will work the same way:
% mailx [log in to unmask]
Subject: remember, we don't put listproc commands here
SUBSCRIBE mae-users Chuq Von Rospach
SUBSCRIBE mae-bugs Chuq Von Rospach
SET mae-users NOACK
Archive Server Commands
The archive server allows you to receive copies of files stored in
the archive. This service is similar to FTP, but doesn't require that
a user have access to anything but electronic mail.
To find out what is available in the archive, you use the INDEX
command.  Archives can be nested, and to get information on listed
sub-archives. An example of doing this would look like this:
% mail [log in to unmask]
Subject: This space left blank, of course
INDEX mae-users
INDEX mae-users/digests
This will return you three mail messages, one with the master index,
one with the index for the mae-users list, and one for the digests
sub-archive in mae-users. The way this listproc is configured, all
messages submitted to a list are compiled into digests and stored in
the archives in the digests sub-archive, which means it's possible to
locate and recover previous messages.
To have listproc send you a file, you use the GET command. The format
An example of this would be:
[log in to unmask]
Subject: remember, this is blank!
GET mae-users/digests 94Apr27
This will return the file in an email message. If the file is long,
it might be split into multiple pieces. Binary files will be encoded
in a format to allow them to be mailed.
The SEARCH command allows you to locate specific pieces of
information within the archive. It allows you to 'grep' the archives.
This is especially useful if you're trying to locate a specific topic
in the digests, or, say, copy of one of your postings. The format of
And example of this is:
% mail [log in to unmask]
Subject: do I really have to say it?
SEARCH mae-users/digests  "Chuq Von Rospach"
SEARCH mae-users server
With these commands, you can do the common actions you want out of a
listproc. If you want to learn more about listproc, please send it
the HELP command and start reading the on-line documentation.
If you have any problems with the listproc, please send mail to
[log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask]
   Chuq Von Rospach <PlaidSoft: Writing, Editing, and Damage Control for Hire>
    [log in to unmask] * GEnie: chuq * AOL: chuqui * CompuServe 75141,1242
             {Member Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America}