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Sun, 31 Jan 1993 02:51:46 EST
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        OK, hockey fans, turn your little tykes' faces away from the CRT cuz
it's time for another REV report!!!!
        My trusty S.O. D^2 and I went on the road to Union College to watch a
most interesting contest in an even more interesting setting! As had been
advertised previously, we did go to Friendly's and briefly met Keith Reynolds
there. Hi Keith!
        On to the game. The projectile-discussion-people are gonna love this.
Despite a pre-game PA warning, after the first Union goal (to make it 2-1 in
the first period in favor of RPI), roughly 200 oranges were unloaded on the ice
from every imaginable direction. Four or so yewts sittin on my left did so,
too. I was amused at this and the consequences:
1. At least four from the student section were clearly ejected from the RPI
student section. (WHOOPS, I meant the UNION STUDENT SECTION!!!!!!!)
2. Tim Regan decided to practice his swing with all the practice pucks now on
the ice. I missed this, but from what I deduced from reading the Albany Times
Union today, two of his swings sailed into the Union bench area, one of which
nailed a player or two. Dis guy can play!
3. Our section had some oranges and orange bits lying around for the rest of
the game. I was tempted to smear some of it on the seats of the perpetrators
when they were away during the intermissions, but I missed the opportunity.
4. Last but not least, RPI SCORED AGAIN ***SEVEN*** SECONDS LATER!!!!!!!!!!!
        The other big Kodak moment: The brawl at the end of the second period.
I was asking my girlfriend what she wanted at the refreshment stand and thus I
missed the beginning of the fight. By the time I got the CamCorder out and
running, it was almost over. Basically, Wayne Clarke saw Hamelin get tripped
uinnecessarily by a UInion player, and ended up getting into a spearing and
fisticuffs match. Results were two Game DQs for spearing, one each to Wayne
and the Union player, and some other roughing penalties to other players. I
rate it a 5 on my Brawl-O-Meter. (The highest possible score is 10, the
highest score ever attained is 8 by RPI vs. Brown, Feb. 2, 1991)
        Also at this game, I met Jim Teresco at the rink. Hi, Jim!
        Anyway, the final score profile:
RPI     3   4   1       8
Union   1   1   1       3
        RPI is now in second place in the ECAC!
REF REPORT: Cerbo, McDonough. Cerbo was better than the last time I saw him.
McDonough was somewhat worse. They made calls, they missed calls. Overall, it
was pretty even, but at the beginning, it seemed everything was called
against RPI. Then Union went bad. The Union fans didn't like it, but I didn't
care- I was there to drown them out anyway, or at least me and the hundreds of
RPI fans there too!!!!!
        I score Cerbo and McDonough each a 5/10. The totals are:
McDonough: 13/20
Cerbo: 9/20
Belanger: 3/10
Noeth: 2/10
STADIUM REPORT: Achilles Rink has much better acoustics than the Field House.
Not only did our Pep Band sound the best and loudest all season, but they also
repelled and retaliated against the verbal assailing of Union fans quite well!
Good job!
        The seats were a bit low budget, but at least they were higher since I
sat on the base aisle of the upper section. I had good legroom and a good view.
FAN INTERACTION REPORT- Some minor friction, not too bad. I sat amidst
Union people but near the RPI sections across from the student section of
Union. They didn't like our "one...two...three..." goal cheer, but too bad!
First amendment, kiddos!
UNION PERFORMANCE: They're improved. They lost by only 8-3 as opposed to 9-3
back on Dec.11!
        Simonton just can't keep himself out of the penalty box, can he? He was
in for three minors in half of a period it seemed, and was always going for
the cheap shots, I thought. A few played more maniacally than I cheered, I
thought, which was good to watch, but was all for naught in their struggle, I
LITTLE's PENALTY: The RPI goalie (Little) was called for a slashing. I missed
this but I heard he was being interfered with by a Union player. Any insights?
Well, that's my report this time. Expect to see RPI in the top 10 across the
board this week, or so I predict!
-Rich Vehlow, [log in to unmask]
"Any relation to persons living or dead, digested or undigested is purely
unfortunate!!"  -Narrator, DEATH FACES