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- MEEOA-L - Maine Educational Opportunity Association members communication <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 2 Jun 2016 12:13:11 -0400
- MEEOA-L - Maine Educational Opportunity Association members communication <[log in to unmask]>
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From Ray G...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: *Gonzalez, Ramon* <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Thursday, June 2, 2016
Subject: COE Updates
To: [log in to unmask]

Hello NEOA,

I just got off the phone with COE and here are a couple of updates that
everyone, especially those writing for UB/UBMS/VUB & McNair should be aware

*In government relations* – No immediate activities going on over the
summer but COE proposing a summer advocacy campaign. Invite your
representative to your summer programs and meet with the representatives
while they are in their home offices.  Very important to build those
relationships with them as the only time that people meet with them is if
we want something to happen.  Building those relationships is what makes
things happen for us.  HEOA isn’t going to be reauthorized anytime soon,
but, we are looking for an increase in the line item for TRIO so building
those relationships can ease the asking for this.

*Fair Share update* – NEOA is #1 with 123% (way to go!!!) here is the break
down – CT-88%, MA – 114%, ME- 153%, NH- 157%, RI – 140%, VT- 134%.  The
Institutional Membership Renewal Campaign is still going on.  Institutions
looking to renew their membership have until June 15 to take advantage of
the $300 discount, and for their membership to count towards this year’s
Fair Share contributions.  If your Fair Share contribution comes in after
June 31, it will not count towards this year.  Get them in as soon as you

*Proposal Writing* – UB/UBMS/VUB/McNair – Happening in August in NEW
ORLEANS (Institutions looking to write for a McNair are strongly encouraged
to go to this one as their will be a McNair Forum to discuss best
practices). One in Washington DC in October. (there will *NOT BE* a McNair
forum at this one).
everyone is encouraged to attend these proposal writing workshops
especially if you are institutional members because its *FREE* for members
and there is *NO LIMIT* to the number of attendees per college/agency!!!

If anyone has any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.  Also if
you know of anyone not on the NEOA list serve please forward this to them.
Thank you!!!

Ramon Gonzalez

Vice President

New England Educational Opportunity Association


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