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The Maine Hockey Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 6 Nov 2007 19:31:17 -0800
The Maine Hockey Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
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Matt Dewkett <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (225 lines)
Either this is a fabrication, or Tanner House is a
moron.  I know there has to be more to this, but the
BDN portrays this as two people having a conversation-
another person approaches them, gropes the girl, and
walks away like nothing happened.  I can't imagine
anyone being that stupid.  So much for a year without
legal problems.

--- Scott Lerman <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> I wouldn't try to excuse such an action on the part
> of anyone, athlete or
> not, but assuming that House is guilty is a bit
> premature at this point. A
> few people down in North Carolina have witnessed
> first-hand what can happen
> when false accusations are immediately assumed to be
> true.
> On 11/6/07, Adam Parker <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> >
> > I have to disagree on almost all the points here -
> the benefit of everyone
> > having an opinion.  I will say that you're right
> when you talk about not
> > being punished until proven guilty.  It's crazy
> that someone can be
> > suspended just because another person claims that
> they were assaulted in
> > that manner.  HOWEVER - that's the life you choose
> when you become an
> > athlete at a premiere school - you are put under
> more scrutiny.
> >
> > I disagree when it comes to the crime.  True, most
> people would slap the
> > person in the face and walk away - but to imply
> that it's okay to have this
> > happen to you because you're in a public
> establishment, or to imply that you
> > give up your rights as a human to not be groped,
> that's ridiculous.  I don't
> > care who does it to whom, but I don't think anyone
> should have to put up
> > with another person grabbing their
> breast/penis/<insert body part here> just
> > because they are in public.  I'm not saying I
> think calling the cops is
> > necessary, but it's well within a person's rights,
> and they are NEVER in the
> > wrong for doing so.  I'm sorry you feel that way.
> >
> > As for the newspaper.  I could go either way here.
>  In the end, the paper
> > has to sell copies, and if stories about prominent
> students at the local
> > university sells papers, than that's what they
> will do.  They have the right
> > to, and if people don't like it, they should stop
> buying it.  It's
> > unfortunate that it could hurt the kids career,
> but then again it goes back
> > to the additional scrutiny that an athlete takes
> on.  It's unfortunate, but
> > when you are in that position, you have to be more
> careful.
> >
> > For example - I work for a brokerage company.  I
> can't talk in public
> > about my thoughts regarding the market or a
> certain stock, because if
> > someone thinks I'm speaking on behalf of my
> company I can get in a lot of
> > trouble.  It's not fair to me, but it's something
> I accept as part of my
> > profession.
> >
> > In the end - if the story is true - it's a dumb
> move by House.  If it's
> > false, than it's a bad move by the BDN.  In either
> case, somebody comes out
> > being an idiot.  The difference is, the BDN
> doesn't have to tell anyone if
> > it's them.
> >
> > --Adam
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: The Maine Hockey Discussion List
> [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
> > On Behalf Of james acheson
> > Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2007 9:23 PM
> > To: [log in to unmask]
> > Subject: Re: Another suspension based on alleged
> touching
> >
> > not to defend and real wrongdoing, but read and
> reread the report.
> >
> > He has been suspended for alleged touching.  This
> is Napoleonic law,
> > unfortunately.  Maybe this is how things have to
> be up there, but I can tell
> > you I am really happy that in the real world there
> are 3 huge differences.
> > 1. I get punished after I am proven guilty, not
> when accused.  And my
> > punishment when I am proven guilty is doubled
> because someone else did the
> > same sort of thing last year, I am judged on what
> I did.
> > 2. Grabbing a breast in a nighttclub as a man
> passes a woman is a face
> > slap offense, or a punch in the mouth, and the
> police are not called.
> > 3. Last, in the real world, newspapers that print
> this sort of BS just to
> > increase circulation when they know that
> publication of such stories will
> > ruin a kid's carreer are pretty trashy rags, other
> papers show restraint.
> >
> > I know of an NHL all star who used to get caught
> with young (legal age)
> > men out in public on a fairly regular basis... The
> Boson police would tell
> > this guy to take it somewhere else and NOT arrest
> him not because he was a
> > star, but because that they knew that the
> punishment would grossly outweigh
> > the offense.
> > The Briins would ditch him and nobody would ever
> pick him up.  I also know
> > a reporter at a Boston newspaper who said that he
> would never publish these
> > stories even though he knew of the offenses and
> where and when to go to get
> > photographs.  He said that as long as they were
> consenting adults, he would
> > not just ruin this guy's NHL career.
> >
> > Can the BDN show a little bit or restraint???
> > Do I have to read it every time Derek Damon misses
> a philosopy class?
> > Did the BDN HAVE to publish all of the
> unsubstantiated reports surrounding
> > the Mike Hamilton and posse incident??? If you
> remember the story printed,
> > it sounded like Hammy rounded up 11 hockey players
> and drove over the the
> > house of the guy who stole his girlfriend to have
> all of his friends kick
> > the guy's head in.
> > The BDN NEVER printed a retraction or an apology
> when the facts came to
> > light that Mike was invited to the apartment which
> was in the same complex
> > as where he and the posse were already hanging
> out, outdoors.
> > They did not print that when Hammy walked up the
> walkway, he was met at
> > the door by the "victim"
> > wielding a baseball bat and threatening him.  They
> also did not print that
> > the 4 guys who were arrested for criminal trespass
> were simply standing on a
> > sidewalk outside the door to the apt, in a
> perfectly legal place to be.
> >
> > Until I know the facts, I am not going to condemn
> Tanner House... It is
> > often difficult to imagine how a guy who was
> summonsed (NOT ARRESTED) for
> > such unlawful offensive touching could be
> innocent, but just ask yourself if
> > that was the girl he had been with the night
> before, or if he and she had
> > been dirty dancing for a while prior to the
> offense...
> > A lot of things are possible, let's stand behind
> him when he needs it, ok?
> >
> > Jim the lawyer, who really hates it when people
> are tried and convicted in
> > the media.
> >
> >
> > --- William <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> >
> > > In what has become a seemingly annual occurence,
> another UMaine hockey
> > > player has been suspended.
> > > Shocking.
> > >
> > > Seriously, when will this end? Unbelievable.
> > >
> > > ORONO, Maine (AP) â€" A University of Maine
> hockey player has been
> > > suspended following an incident in which he was
> accused of grabbing a
> > > woman’s breast.
> > > Police say 21-year-old Tanner House was charged
> with unlawful sexual
> > > touching and assault following the incident
> early Sunday at a lounge
> > > near campus.
> > > House, who’s from Alberta, Canada, has played
> in all seven of
> > > Maine’s hockey games this season and has one
> goal and one assist. A
> > > university spokesman says he’s suspended
> indefinitely 
=== message truncated ===

Matthew R. Dewkett
[log in to unmask]

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