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The Maine Hockey Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Wayne Smith <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 5 Feb 1997 00:32:01 EST
The Maine Hockey Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (162 lines)
Good discussion!
>There is a 1200 person waiting list for season tickets.  If a person becomes
I don't doubt the list, just that it is real and bottomless.
>upset because the UM administration wants to further student participation
>and choose to cancel their season tickets, I would consider that petty and
>someone else is better served with their slot.
That's certainly been, in some people's minds, the attitude of the
University for many years.  It's also one that I would have thought was
changing toward a respect for the customer and friend of the University.
>Don't get me wrong, I'm not anti-season ticket holders.  But I think that
>many times a lot of people forget that UMaine is a university made up of
>students who pay 10-17,000 a year to go to school here.  People from the
>administration down to the community forget this.  I'm not suggesting Wayne
>or Dan believe this.  What I am saying is that the university needs to do a
>better job at catering to the students (i.e. better distribution policy, and
>empower the student participation by sticking them together).
I agree whole-heartedly!  But don't shoot your goose, looking for the
golden egg.
Is it correct that a student *must* pick up tickets a month in advance?
Could a student have picked up a ticket last Wed-Fri, or just show up at
the game ...  while the allocation lasts?  I don't know the policy;  I'm
not a student (at least not a tuition paying student anymore).
>In addition, some season ticket holders are going to be upset and leave,
>again regardless of where they put the students, since they will be put
... for the folly that the students will fill their sections and turn
the Alfond back to the rocking place it once was?  I understand the
sentiment, I just don't have any confidence in it happening, especially
over the long haul.  Today's students don't seem to be interested in
spectating U Maine sports ...  any of the sports.
Maybe having groups of tickets here and there would allow (someone) to
encourage groups of students to attend and if they cheer better than
"season ticket holders", maybe the whole place will eventually catch on
to the excitement (again).  But reserving the balcony for students seems
like a good way to put all the empty seats in one place.
>I don't view this as a bad situation.  The current crop of fans may be
>loyal, long-time supporters, but they are also part of the problem.  If a
>small fraction of the 3000 season ticket holders leave, the new blood cannot
>be bad for Maine hockey.
We obviously worry about different problems!  I see a great product, a
department and University in grave financial trouble, little student
interest in varsity athletics, and a community providing support through
ticket purchases, donations and good-will.
>It may seem overly simplistic, but the key to me is what is better for Maine
>hockey.  If a person chooses not to attend Maine hockey simply because their
>section has become a student section, are they really a "real" fan?
These season ticket holders tend to attend regularly, year after year.
Since they tend to renew for the same seats (accomplishing a seat change
is not for the faint of heart), the people around them become their
acquaintances and friends.  They're neighbors enjoying a common interest.
They are your "real" fans.  They may not cheer as hard and as long as
you'll like, but they are there because they want to be ...  and can
probably be induced into "better cheering" under the right circumstance.
Treating those people with disrespect will have the same effect as the
(apparently) stupid student ticket distribution.
>A real fan is one who supports Maine hockey, regardless of whether they are
>18-10-1, 42-1-2, never win a game, or on NCAA sanction.
OK, you've just described a hundred students and 500 "season ticket
>There are 1200 people, or more, who would love to simply have a seat,
>regardless of where it is.  You tell me, which fan is better?
Look at the empty seats at every game and tell me whether you like the
looks of the empty seats or contributing friends of the program.
I don't at all disagree that the program is at a crossroads.  At the
(administrative) helm are all new people, no doubt trying their best and
trying to make the program and department a success.
My hope is that Shawn Walsh will return to his trumpeting of the fan and
supporter.  He can be a major force in bringing the students back, if he
so chooses.
>I say give all season ticket holders the option.  Tell them that section
>will be a student section, and they are welcome to keep their seat or change
>to another one.  I know that there are season ticket holders in the balcony
>who would love to have the students there and would participate with them.
>I've seen season ticket holders start student cheers in the balcony before.
Ah, but that's not the proposal.  The proposal isn't to encourage the
current customers to voluntarily find other seats or welcome students
into their midst, but an involuntary change and slap in the face.
>I understand what you are saying here.  But I pose this question:  why do we
>want the fans who are just "trying to stay"?
Because they want to be a supporter and the program and University needs
them.  They are "trying to stay" because their efforts are apparently
not recognized.  Hit them enough times and they'll probably not stay
around to be hit again.  It sounds like you think there is an endless
supply of people willing and able to replace them.  I think not.
>These people are part of the problem, a large part.  Why should we cater to
>them?  ...
Their only part in the problem is that if the University shares your
disrespect for them, they'll show up at the ticket counter with the same
frequency as the students now do.
>I would rather have only 4000 fans a game who are loud, and into the action,
>than the 5000 we have now who are quiet, reserved and complain.  ...
Let's see ... 1000 * $12/game * 17 games = $204,000 revenue lost per
season, not counting concessions.  Last week, one (athletic) office
didn't know how it could find the money for another telephone line.
It's one thing to want a loud set of fans, but this is one point in time
where economics are very important, IMHO.  And treating your customer
with respect is always right.
It's one thing to bring back the students and encourage long time fans
to be more exuberant, but quite another to say some group of fans is
better forced out because they don't cheer like you'd like.
>Interest in the program remains solid, but I'll say again.  ...
I disagree.  The sky is falling.  The game is great; the marketing
appears to be headed towards pre-Shawn Walsh status.
>willing to stop supporting Maine hockey just because they have to change
>seats -- in attempt to improve the quality of Alfond, and the home ice
>advantage for UM -- we are better off without them.
How are "we" better off?
Finally, Deron, most of your arguments seem to be of the nature of: we
can treat people like dirt because we have 1200 more waiting in the
wings.  Are you sure?  I have no idea how the current waiting list
number is calculated, but at one time they took the 1200 on the list and
multiplied each by four (they never asked people going onto the list how
many tickets they wanted ...  they just estimated 4 each).
Maybe there are 1200, maybe not.  When were they last contacted?  Why
aren't they coming to this season's games if they're so anxious to get
season tickets?
I'm not against the student fans being treated (much) better, it just
annoys me to see others treated with *disrespect* and *on* *purpose*.
Wayne Smith
Old Town Landing