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The Maine Hockey Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Bill Stewart <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 3 Feb 1997 12:20:53 EST
The Maine Hockey Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (18 lines)
After leaving the rink on Sunday afternoon I was still thinking about the quest
ion raised at the end of the game.  "Why are people leaving when the game isn't
 over????"  I couldn't understand it then, and I still can't. With about a minu
te and a half to go, people started to file out. With Maine comfortably ahead 4
-3-nothing could go wrong, chalk up another win, and lets get out of here. I wo
nder how many people were surprised to hear the outcome of the game while drivi
ng home with the radio on. There are really a couple of issues here. One, the g
ame isn't over until that final buzzer sounds. (Point and case yesterday). Also
, there is the issue that even if Maine is up by twenty goals, why leave anyway
?  I understand the parking, and traffic, etc etc etc. My feeling however, that
 when the team goes out and gives everything they have for three full periods a
nd overtime if necessary, the fans need to too. There is something rewarding to
 a team when the fans show their appreciation for the game and effort, and play
. I'm not just talking about yesterday's game but all games. It's just unbeliev
able how quick the ALfond empties towrds the end of a game. Unbelievable. I don
't know-maybe a few of you out there could shed some light on this as well. I k
now I'm not alone in how I feel.