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Mon, 10 Feb 2003 14:03:59 -0500
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  No doubt that defensive zone breakouts are killing Maine in recent
weeks(maybe longer). Loya appears to be the only upperclass Dman who chips
it out when he is in doubt. There seems to be this"I have to make a pretty
play" attitude at times and it has cost Maine dearly.

 Faceoffs are another concern, At the Verizon, Maine got killed but at the
Whitt it was pretty even. So it seems they can take faceoffs well but.....
inconsistent. Where is Dan Shermehorn when you need him:)

 Injuries seem to be hurting Maine also, I can't remember when so many
starters were out at once. Its a good thing Maine has some depth!!!. Its not
just a question of the best players on the ice but one of chemistry also.

I think Colin was playing hurt before UNH. I thought he looked out of place.
Like his head was elsewhere. But the 2nd UNH game he looked more into it and
made plays without scoring. Yesterday I felt the same way. He didn't score
but he was in position to so. He played the body at times and backchecked
well. Colin will come out of it. One goal is all he needs to get going.