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"Wayne T. Smith" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Maine Hockey Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 15 Dec 1999 08:59:21 EST
text/plain (80 lines)
CathyH replied, in part..
>I sincerely hope it does not signify a return to the BDN editorially slamming
>UMaine as it did before Mark Woodward took over.  I also sincerely hope
>someone takes it upon themselves to write a response in support of UMaine.
I hope so, too.  I can't, but I hope some do.  I'll overstep my bounds
and write here for you Maine fans.  I work for U Maine System and
volunteer for U Maine ...  but don't speak for the University.
If you read the article, you'll find the guy was poisoned by fellow BU
fans *before* coming to the arena.  His major 1st hand experience
consisted of a cheer (to my knowledge done only early in the game and
only this game, and a cheer that, while pretty mild by today's
standards, was a very minor part of the evening, IMHO).
My 5-year-old went to Sunday's game.  Last night, sitting around a
table, he looks over at the newspaper, open to the "Maine Diary" century
in review section.  His little finger goes out toward the headline and a
few seconds later I heard M-A-I-N-E GooooooBlue!  (with a big smile).
Then he asked "What is that word?" "Maine!" "Oh!" (again with a big,
contented smile).
Did anyone notice that he *didn't* complain about the main student
section in the balcony, but described a section whose first several rows
are old-fogey, community-oriented season ticket holders.
Certainly, though, the BU game was packed with people, and so there were
a lot of people there that aren't normally there.
Oh yea ...  I wasn't the "senior usher" that he talked to.  Perhaps I
would not have given him the same advice as the "senior usher", but if
he was complaining about a cheer in the next section, he wouldn't have
been any more satisfied with my response.
>I understood "crowd control" was supposed to be an issue at pre season league
>meetings.  Did that happen?  I have always believed UMaine to be the safest
>rink in Hockey East.  ...
UMaine has always been concerned for the safety of all patrons, first,
last and foremost.  I can tell you unequivocally that each year all
ushers have an orientation session where we look at our past performance
and adjust to fit the need.  Jim Dyer, a most capable manager and fine
gentleman, leads this.  He is always available and continually assessing
how UMaine meets the challenges of each event.
Jim has a wonderful catch phrase, that I'm sorry to say escapes me at
the moment.  To paraphrase: safety, respect and responsibility are what
we work from and what we expect from the fans.  From that, we expect the
vast majority will have the most enjoyable experience possible.
There may have been some incidents in the past ... I'm sure any rink
has them on occasion. But speaking as someone that has brought his
children to games over the years, and has a working interest and
concern for fans and their experience,
In this age of counter intelligence, hackers, spins and dirty politics,
one might do well to question the motives of the disturbed BU fan from
>                 ...  I am not saying we are the most welcoming, now,
As an usher and college hockey fan, I'll welcome opposing team fans
enthusiastically.  I wouldn't expect the "Maine fans" to do that.  :-)
>                            ... opposing team fans didn't have to fear for
>their health and safety.  I have always thought that the UMaine campus police
>stopped verbal assault before it escalated into anything more than hurt
>feelings.  Isn't this true?
I can't speak for the police or athletic department, but assaults are
*not* tolerated, verbal or otherwise.  Noise is. :-)
cheers, wayne
Wayne T. Smith
[log in to unmask]                          Old Town Landing
Co-owner of the College Hockey lists - Hockey-L and Hockey3