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Deron Treadwell <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Maine Hockey Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 15 Mar 1999 13:06:49 -0800
text/plain (292 lines)
From HOCKEY-L...
---John Whelan <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Here's this week's "if the season ended today", which has just been
> uploaded to <>.
> I'm also posting it here because there is an ambiguity in the
> selection of the at-large bids which succictly illustrates a point
> which has been confusing me all season.  The selection committee is
> supposed to award at-large bids by examining pairwise comparisons
> among teams "on the bubble".  Removing regular season champions and
> MAAC teams from the picture, there are five teams who are not
> obviously in or out of the tournament: Michigan, Northern Michigan,
> Princeton, Notre Dame and Niagara.  Niagara only win comparisons with
> two of the 14 other non-MAAC, non-auto-bid teams.  However, those two
> teams are Michigan and Notre Dame, included in anyone's definition of
> "the bubble".  So does Niagara, a team which loses comparisons to
> teams above and below the bubble, but wins some bubble comparisons,
> belong on the bubble themselves?  If they are included, NMU and
> Princeton get the last two at-large bids; if not, it's Michigan and
> NMU.
>                    If the season ended today, 1999 March 15
>    ) 1999, Joe Schlobotnik (archives)
>    URL for this frameset:
>    To see how the final pairwise numbers might look, try the
>    tournament bracket or non-tables "what if" interface to the
>    interactive "You Are The Committee" script.
>    In just six days, the NCAA selection committee will seed the men's
>    division I hockey tournament. With only 19 games left to be played,
>    let's see how the Tournament selection procedure plays itself out
>    pending those results. First of all, we know for certain four of
>    teams who will be in the tournament: New Hampshire, Clarkson,
>    State and North Dakota each receive an automatic bid for winning
>    regular season titles in their respective conferences. Up to four
>    teams will receive automatic bids for winning their conference
>    tournaments, and the remaining four to eight at large bids will be
>    given out on the basis of pairwise comparisons among teams that
>    with Division I records at or above .500. As of now, those
>    look like this (with US College Hockey Online down at the moment, I
>    have supplemented their Division I Composite Schedule by adding
>    past weekend's results by hand):
> Pairwise Comparisons
>  1 North Dakota   21 .647   NHMeMSCCCkDUQnBCSLOSMiNMPnNtRPCgMkCtNiPvHC
>  2 New Hampshire  20 .633 __  MeMSCCCkDUQnBCSLOSMiNMPnNtRPCgMkCtNiPvHC
>  3 Maine          19 .616 ____  MSCCCkDUQnBCSLOSMiNMPnNtRPCgMkCtNiPvHC
>  4 Mich State     18 .603 ______  CCCkDUQnBCSLOSMiNMPnNtRPCgMkCtNiPvHC
>  5 CO College     17 .586 ________  CkDUQnBCSLOSMiNMPnNtRPCgMkCtNiPvHC
>  6 Clarkson       16 .584 __________  DUQnBCSLOSMiNMPnNtRPCgMkCtNiPvHC
>  7 Denver U       15 .558 ____________  QnBCSLOSMiNMPnNtRPCgMkCtNiPvHC
>  8 Quinnipiac     13 .548 ______________  BC__OSMiNMPnNtRPCgMkCtNiPvHC
>  9 Boston Coll    13 .581 ________________  SLOSMiNMPnNtRPCgMkCtNiPvHC
> 10 St Lawrence    12 .555 ______________Qn__  OS__NMPnNtRPCgMkCtNiPvHC
> 11 Ohio State     11 .534 ____________________  MiNMPnNtRPCgMkCtNiPvHC
> 12 Michigan        9 .557 __________________SL__  NM__NtRPCgMkCt__PvHC
> 13 Northern Mich   9 .539 ________________________  PnNtRPCgMkCtNiPvHC
> 14 Princeton       8 .534 ______________________Mi__  __RPCgMkCtNiPvHC
> 15 Notre Dame      6 .537 __________________________Pn  RPCgMkCt__Pv__
> 16 RPI             6 .533 ______________________________  CgMkCtNiPvHC
> 17 Colgate         5 .530 ________________________________  MkCtNiPvHC
> 18 MSU-Mankato     4 .528 __________________________________  CtNiPvHC
> 19 Connecticut     3 .527 ____________________________________  NiPvHC
> 20 Niagara         3 .480 ______________________Mi____Nt________  __HC
> 21 Providence      2 .513 ______________________________________Ni  HC
> 22 Holy Cross      1 .493 ____________________________Nt____________
>    (In addition, Minnesota or St. Cloud State could also qualify for
>    NCAAs by winning the WCHA Final Five.) Before charging ahead into
>    awarding of at-large bids, we must note that the ratings percentage
>    index upon which the pairwise comparisons are largely based, has a
>    weakness which is very significant this year: it does not judge a
>    teams' strength of schedule accurately when that team's opponents
>    themselves played weak schedules. Since the six division I
members of
>    the new MAAC conference play 20 games each against each other,
plus a
>    few non-conference games against Division I independents, a team
>    Quinnipiac can rack up a high winning percentage against weak
>    competition without the weakness of their schedule being
reflected in
>    the RPI. Anticipating this, the selection committee, as reported in
>    the NCAA News, "noted that it reserves the right to evaluate each
>    based on the relative strength of their respective conference." The
>    best way to gauge that relative strength is via the conferences'
>    performance against the four Division I independents:
>                 vs Indies    vs Army    vs Niagara   vs AFA     vs
>       Avg RPI   PF-PA  Pct  PF-PA  Pct  PF-PA  Pct  PF-PA  Pct
PF-PA   Pct
>  HE    .525     14- 2 .875  12-0 1.000   0- 2 .000   2-0 1.000   0-
0  .---
>  WCHA  .504     32-10 .762   0-0  .---   0- 0 .---  10-0 1.000
22-10  .688
>  CCHA  .504      5- 5 .500   0-0  .---   2- 4 .333   0-0  .---   3-
1  .750
>  ECAC  .496     28-10 .737  10-0 1.000  10-10 .500   2-0 1.000   6-
0 1.000
>  MAAC  .453      8-22 .267   5-5  .500   0- 4 .000   3-5  .350   0-
8  .000
>    MSU-Mankato's surprise victory over North Dakota in game one of the
>    WCHA quintafinal series makes the Mavericks look a bit stronger,
>    since no MAAC team actually beat them, it does little to change the
>    conclusion that the MAAC has not reached competitive equity and
it is
>    reasonable to assume that the committee will exclude Quinnipiac,
>    and Holy Cross from consideration for at-large bids.
>    Maine, Colorado College, Denver, and Boston College all win
>    comparisons with all of the remaining teams, and are thus easy
>    for at-large bids. The awarding of the remaining bids is very
>    and could be done in different ways with at least two different
>    results. Here are the teams still in contention for those bids:
>  1 St Lawrence     9 .555   OS__NMPnNtRPCgMkNiPv
>  2 Ohio State      9 .534 __  MiNMPnNtRPCgMkNiPv
>  3 Michigan        7 .557 SL__  NM__NtRPCgMk__Pv
>  4 Northern Mich   7 .539 ______  PnNtRPCgMkNiPv
>  5 Princeton       6 .534 ____Mi__  __RPCgMkNiPv
>  6 Notre Dame      5 .537 ________Pn  RPCgMk__Pv
>  7 RPI             4 .533 ____________  CgMkNiPv
>  8 Colgate         3 .530 ______________  MkNiPv
>  9 MSU-Mankato     2 .528 ________________  NiPv
> 10 Niagara         2 .480 ____Mi____Nt______  __
> 11 Providence      1 .513 __________________Ni
>    The committee is supposed to compare teams which are "on the
>    but the question is how to define that set of teams. However you
>    it, Princeton will be a bubble team, which means that SLU and OSU
>    enter the tournament ahead of Michigan. Using the algorithm of the
>    "automatic" button on my "You Are The Committee" script, which
>    teams from the top and/or bottom of the table and then recalculates
>    the number of comparisons won, we would remove Providence, Mankato,
>    Colgate, and RPI from contention. At each turn, the bottom team has
>    won a comparison only with Niagara, while the Purple Eagles have
>    comparisons with both Notre Dame and Michigan. This leaves us with
>  1 Northern Mich   3 .539   PnNi__Nt
>  2 Princeton       2 .534 __  NiMi__
>  3 Niagara         2 .480 ____  MiNt
>  4 Michigan        2 .557 NM____  Nt
>  5 Notre Dame      1 .537 __Pn____
>    Notre Dame is dropped off the bottom of this bubble, and NMU and
>    Princeton have won two comparisons (out of three) each with the
>    remaining teams.
>    If, on the other hand, the committee leaves out Niagara, who lose
>    comparisons to four teams directly below our ultimate bubble, we
>    ourselves deciding among the following:
>  1 Michigan (C)       2 .557   NMNt__
>  2 Northern Mich (C)  2 .539 __  NtPn
>  3 Notre Dame (C)     1 .537 ____  Pn
>  4 Princeton (E)      1 .534 Mi____
>    which would put Michigan in the tournament instead of Princeton. We
>    can't tell for sure what the committee would actually do, but if
I had
>    to guess I'd say that they would not think of Niagara, who win
>    comparisons only with two teams (albeit obvious bubble teams) as
>    themselves on the bubble. So let's proceed assuming that Michigan
>    in the tournament. That leaves us with seven Western teams and only
>    five from the East, so we declare Northern Michigan, the
>    Western team, to be honorary Easterners:
>       West                                  East
> 1 North Dakota    5 .647 MSCCDUOSMi | 1 New Hampshire (H)  5 .633
> 2 Mich State      4 .603   CCDUOSMi | 2 Maine (H)          4 .616
> 3 CO College      3 .586 __  DUOSMi | 3 Clarkson (E)       3 .584 __
> 4 Denver U        2 .558 ____  OSMi | 4 Boston Coll (H)    2 .581
____  SLNM
> 5 Ohio State      1 .534 ______  Mi | 5 St Lawrence (E)    1 .555
______  NM
> 6 Michigan        0 .557 ________   | 6 Northern Mich (C)  0 .539
>    Both regions are nicely ranked by the pairwise comparisons. North
>    Dakota and Michigan State are in line for the two Western byes,
>    New Hampshire and Maine in the East, although if Clarkson wins the
>    ECAC tournament, they will receive an automatic bye. We need to
>    the bottom two teams from each region, but in each case three of
>    top four teams come from the same conference, which leads to
>    intraconference matchups in the second round. With the East
>    being held in Worcester, Massachusetts, it seems pretty safe that
>    attendance considerations will lead the NCAA to keep BC there
>    and a possible intra-conference matchup in the West is inevitable
>    seven Western teams in the tourney. Going strictly by the
numbers, we
>    get the following teams in the regionals:
>       West                                  East
> 1 North Dakota (W)   1 .647 MS     | 1 New Hampshire (H)  1 .633 Me
> 2 Mich State (C)     0 .603        | 2 Maine (H)          0 .616
> 3 CO College (W)     3 .586 DUSLNM | 3 Clarkson (E)       3 .584
> 4 Denver U (W)       2 .558   SLNM | 4 Boston Coll (H)    2 .581
> 5 St Lawrence (E)    1 .555 __  NM | 5 Ohio State (C)     1 .534 __
> 6 Northern Mich (C)  0 .539 ____   | 6 Michigan (C)       0 .557 ____
>    The question here is whether attendance considerations would lead
>    NMU or DU trading places with Michigan or OSU. DU is in the WCHA
>    with host school Wisconsin, but NMU was recently in that league as
>    well, and of course the other two CCHA schools in question are in
>    Big Ten. Very tentatively, though, let's leave the regions as they
>    are. There is one avoidable second-round CCHA matchup between MSU
>    NMU, so we swap Northern Michigan and SLU, also swapping the two
>    Colorado teams to preserve first-round pairings, and obtain
> 5W Northern Mich (C)               6E Michigan (C)
> 4W CO College (W)                  3E Clarkson (E)
>      1W North Dakota (W) --+--2E Maine (H)
>                            |
>      2W Mich State (C)   --+--1E New Hampshire (H)
> 3W Denver U (W)                    4E Boston Coll (H)
> 6W St Lawrence (E)                 5E Ohio State (C)
> The Gory Details
>    You can also see a detailed accounting of all the pairwise
>    comparisons.
>      _________________________________________________________________
>    Last Modified: 1999 March 15
>     Joe Schlobotnik / [log in to unmask]
>    HTML 4.0 compliant Made with cascading style sheets
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Deron Treadwell - [log in to unmask]
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