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"Norton, Sylvia K" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Norton, Sylvia K
Tue, 7 Oct 2003 21:23:15 -0400
text/plain (131 lines)
> Note:  The Administrative and Informational Letters are available on our
> website at the following address:
> <>
> To:   Superintendents and Principals
>       (please forward to Assistant Superintendents, Curriculum
> Coordinators, and Building Principals)
> From: Susan A. Gendron, Commissioner
> Date: October 3, 2003
> Re:   Grade Level Expectations for Mathematics and Reading
> This letter is posted to update you on the progress to date on the
> development of Maine's Grade Level Expectations in mathematics and
> reading, and to invite your comments on the current drafts of these
> documents.
> As you know, to comply with the federal No Child Left Behind Act (NCLBA),
> Maine must develop and test Grade Level Expectations (GLEs) for
> mathematics and reading in grades
> 3-8. Maine's goal in the development of GLEs is threefold: to measure
> important facets of student learning in mathematics and reading, to
> reflect the breadth and depth of the Maine Learning Results for these
> disciplines, and to develop a manageable set of GLEs to test for NCLBA
> purposes. As a result, the number of GLEs in a grade for each content area
> is smaller than the number of performance indicators for the grade span.
> Every attempt was made to create a set of expectations that clearly
> represent the content area and, at the same time, leave room for local
> choice in curriculum details and sequences.
> Two panels of experts were convened to develop Maine's Grade Level
> Expectations. Membership on each panel included Maine administrators,
> curriculum leaders, teachers, and other educators. The groups were formed
> to reflect the variety of Maine schools and are representative of all
> areas of our State. Both the Mathematics Panel and the Reading Panel began
> with recent drafts of the New England Compact GLE documents. The resulting
> work and next steps for each content area are articulated below.
> Mathematics
> The Mathematics Panel met twice and their work is complete. Thank you to
> all the district personnel who responded to the online survey.  Your
> responses helped guide many of the choices made by the Mathematics Panel.
> The Maine Mathematics Draft Grade Level Expectations document is available
> in two formats and both are linked to this letter.  Please review this
> document and send your written feedback by November 10, 2003 to
> Mathematics Specialists Tad Johnston or Dan Hupp at 23 State House
> Station, Augusta, ME 04333 or email at [log in to unmask]
> <mailto:[log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]> > and
> [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>
> >.
> Reading
> The members of the Reading Panel followed a process similar to the
> Mathematics Panel, with the "Balance of Representation" for Maine's
> Learning Results, national standards, and the New England Compact GLE
> document informing their work. The only difference between the two panels
> was that the Reading Panel did not have responses from the online survey
> to inform their work due to a tight timeline between when the New England
> Compact Grade Level Expectations for Reading were available and the first
> meeting of the Reading Panel on September 8, 2003. Maine's Reading Panel's
> first draft is now posted at
> <>
> <
> <> > in a survey format. An Excel
> file with school codes is linked to this letter. Your code is the
> three-digit town code and the two-digit school code with no space between
> them. After the October 7 meeting of the Reading Panel, the Reading GLEs
> will be available for comment and feedback until November 10, 2003. Please
> send your written feedback to English Language Arts Specialist Diana
> Doiron at 23 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333 or email at
> [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]
> <mailto:[log in to unmask]> >.
> Parent and Community Forum
> Parents and other community members are invited to an informational
> session on Maine's Grade Level Expectations in Mathematics and Reading at
> a community forum to be held using the ATM network on Wednesday, October
> 15, 2003 from 6:00-7:30 p.m.
> The four sites are:
>       Bangor Public Library
>       Presque Isle High School
>       Falmouth High School
>       Cross Office Building In Augusta
> Future Timelines
>         Maine's Mathematics GLEs and Reading GLEs will be reviewed by the
> Department's Technical Advisory Committee, Policy Advisory Committee, and
> Learning Results Steering Committee. These reviews should be completed by
> December, 2003 and the final set of Mathematics GLEs and Reading GLEs
> published then for use by districts.
> Testing based on the Grade Level Expectations will begin in March, 2005.
> This will help Maine comply with the NCLBA requirement of reporting test
> results to the federal government in 2006.
> Thank you in advance for your review and thoughtful responses to these
> important documents.  Please respond to both documents by November 10,
> 2003.
> Attachments:
>       Maine Mathematics Draft Grade Level Expectations
> <
> <> >
>       Maine Mathematics Draft Grade Level Expectations
> <
> <
> > > (alternate print option)
>       Maine Reading Draft Grade Level Expectations Survey
> <
> <> >
>       School Data Codes
> <
> m
> <
> m> >