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The Maine Hockey Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Mike Machnik <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 10 Jan 1998 14:36:30 -0500
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The Maine Hockey Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
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At 9:00 AM -0500 1/10/1998, Lindsay A Huntoon wrote:
> I think that Maine was lucky to get out of the Volpe Arena with a win last
> night; while I think that they looked great on offense, they didn't seem to
> be able to get the puck out of their own end during the second and third
> period.  This allowed Merrimack back into the game.
Both teams were very sloppy with the puck.  That's why we had a SHG for
each team off turnovers at center ice.  I expected some of this from Maine
with the layoff.
I also thought after the first period that added pressure on the forecheck
(for Merrimack) could cause the Maine Ds to make mistakes on the breakout
and result in turnovers -- Merrimack did press a little more as the game
went along.
> I was at the other end of the rink when Wansborough and Mike Rodrigues got
> into their altercation, so I didn't really see what started it.  Looked
> like Wansborough was trying to free the puck out from under the Merrimack
> goalie.  He seemed to be pushing and shoving people around all evening.
He was an agitator, that's true. :-)  The spearing call apparently came as
a result of Wansborough poking for the puck -- he had his back to us but
initially we felt he was going to draw a penalty for slashing the goalie.
Accounts from folks on the other side had him jabbing at Classen -- thus
the spear -- and that this was what set Rodrigues off.
On Wansborough's third period PPG, the deflection of Kerluke's shot, just
before the goal he and Classen were exchanging whacks and Classen was not
happy when the goal was scored.  Although I put blame more on the defense
for letting Wansborough do what he wanted.  You can see how things like
this led to what happened later.
> I'm really surprised and can't understand why Brian White would leave the
> bench (other than he saw that play had stopped and was coming out for a
> line change).  I heard from someone that leaving the bench is cause for a
> THREE game suspension (can anyone confirm).  They will definitely be missed
> against BC tonight.
I'm not aware that it carries any more than the normal progression of
DQs...I assume this is his first of the year, which would draw him one
game.  The NCAA rule book does not have any provision for more than one DQ.
Now if he had taken part in the altercation and been assessed a DQ for
fighting, that would have been two DQs and a three game suspension (1+2).
We saw this happen last year when Eric Boguniecki of UNH left the bench to
try to break up a fight, but the rules provide for an automatic DQ if you
just leave the bench during an altercation -- even if you do nothing, as
White apparently did here.
> By the way, can anyone tell me what the call was against Shawn Walsh
> (I couldn't hear the PA announcer).
It was a bench minor -- assumed to be as a result of him arguing the penalties.
The odd major and minor certainly helped turn the tide.  If not for those
penalties, the situation would have been a wash, and Maine would have
continued on the power play with a two goal lead.
> Maine had a very vocal crowd at the game (that really came alive during the
> third period).  At the end of the overtime, Coach Walsh turned around
> towards the fans, had a HUGE smile on his face, and high fived the crowd
> before he went out for the handshake.  That was cool :-)
It was an emotional game and I can understand his reaction.  To lose that
game would have been as tough for Maine as it was for Merrimack --
especially since it would have been two times in three games that Merrimack
had come back from a three goal deficit to beat Maine.
As it was, I hoped heading into the OT that the game would at least wind up
a tie.  Merrimack needs something to get them going and an emotional
comeback like this even for one point would have meant a lot, especially
since I felt that overall they played one of their poorer games of the
year.  Sometimes if you play badly and your key players still find a way to
pull it out, it can give everyone a lift.  And Merrimack skated virtually
the same 7-8 players for the last 10 minutes of the game.  You could tell
they were throwing everything they had at Maine (57 shots).  Good thing
they are off today before Colgate comes in Sunday afternoon.
And as I said, it was a tough way to lose.  If it's a great play that beats
you, well, what can you do.  But you never see a situation where three guys
run into each other and take themselves out of the play, and in OT too.  I
have to think there were some tired bodies out there.  As well, in that
situation normally Larose might just dump the puck in and it would not have
hurt them.  But he held the puck with no pressure at center ice and waited
to see if something would happen, and it did.
The turnout was not bad given the weather.  Usually we see double the 1,419
that turned out for this game when Maine comes in.  But there was a decent
and vocal contingent on both sides.  One thing the Merrimack fans cannot
argue is that their team plays some exciting games. :-)  Heartstopping,
sure, but not boring.
Speaking of emotional, that apparently extended to the home fans too.  20
minutes after the game, a 10 year old Warrior fan who we see at all the
games was still crying.  A tough night all the way around.
I sure can't fault the effort of some of the Merrimack players.  Laroche,
Stringer, Porter, Kesselring, and Scoville have been doing their best to
carry this team and turn things around, and all are having terrific
seasons.  I feel badly for Laroche as the captain because he is giving 100%
every night and the results still aren't coming.  He had to have a good
year coming in, and he has 14 points in his last five games -- 13-20--33 on
the year is already his best season ever, and there are at least 15 games
to go!
And these guys are asked to do so much on the power play as it is...with
the top power play in the country at 32% on the season, I can't imagine
where they would be without that.  It's strange to think that while being
mired in 8th place, they have several players who are strong candidates for
All-Hockey East -- primarily Scoville, Porter, Stringer and Laroche -- but
that seems to be the way things are going.
> I won't be able to make the BC game tonight, but I hope that the Maine fans
> that are there will cheer the Black Bears to victory against the Eagles.
Note that it will be on tv too on SportsChannel, HE's first telecast this
The HE Audionet site also has the game archived from last night, you can
find it off the HE web site.
7 teams are within two points of first...what a race.
---                                                                   ---
Mike Machnik                [log in to unmask]               *HMM* 11/13/93
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